The ability to manipulate connective tissue of the bodies of oneself and/or others. Sub-power of Body Manipulation.
The user has complete control over the connective tissues on the body of oneself and others, allowing them to freely alter and manipulate them. In addition of supporting, connecting and separating different types of tissues and organs, connective tissues act as storage of energy, protection of organs and providing the structural framework for the body.
- Auxiliary Organs
- Connective Tissue Generation
- Enhanced Flexibility
- Organic Constructs using connective tissues.
- Prehensile Connective Tissues
- Blood Manipulation
- Body Manipulation
- Bone Manipulation
- Fat Manipulation
- Rope Manipulation
- Skin Manipulation
- Thread Manipulation
- May be limited to manipulating the connective tissues of others or only themselves.
- Range of tissues may be limited.
- Opening connective tissues may expose weak points.
- Cause slower healing because of platelet control.
Known Users[]
- Kakuzu (Naruto)
- Ms. Fortune (Skullgirls)
- Franken Stein (Soul Eater)
- Mr. Fantastic (Marvel Comics)
- Spider-Man (Marvel Comics); via webbing
- Venom (Marvel Comics)
- Carnage (Marvel Comics)
- Anti-Venom (Marvel Comics)