Superpower Wiki

The ability to manipulate the "controls" of anything and everything. An advanced version of Motor-Skill Manipulation and a lesser version of Subordination Manipulation.

Also Called

  • Authority Manipulation
  • Sovereignty Manipulation


The user is able to manipulate the "controls" of anyone or anything and bring them under the user's complete dominion, e.g., if the user wants to manipulate the "controls" of a person's leg, then that body part will obey the user's will. The user can also manipulate the "controls" of any object, controlling them in a manner similar to a puppet.




  • Does not control the target's will.
  • May be limited to controlling one object or body part at a time.
  • Undying Loyalty allows the target to resist if their actions would go against their loyalties.
  • Paralysis Inducement prevent the body from moving.

Known Users

  • Zommari Rureaux (Bleach)
  • Mary Hughes (Fairy Tail)
  • Sherry Blendy (Fairy Tail)
  • Imperius Curse users (Harry Potter)
  • Donquixote Doflamingo (One Piece)
  • Emishi Udehara (Takama-ga-hara)