- "There may even be a place for someone like you in my new reality. Join forces with me... or be obliterated."
- "Okay."
- "Don't be such a sanctimonious fool! You don't realise the — did you say "okay"?"
- "Yeah, sounds good to me. Ground floor of the new cosmic order, baby!"
- "Really?"
- ― Sinestro and Duck Dodgers (Duck Dodgers)
The power to manipulate the cosmic hierarchy/order. Advanced version of Hierarchy Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Cosmic/Celestial Bureaucracy/Hierarchy Control/Manipulation
- Cosmic Order Control
- Cosmic Rank Control/Manipulation
User can create, shape and manipulate the cosmic order, the hierarchy of objects, entities, powers, ranks, concepts on a cosmic level/scale. Allowing them to define and control the order/precedence of things like gods, mortals, abstract beings, embodiments, transcendent entities, almighty objects, concepts/meta-concepts, variables, events/history/time, physical/metaphysical/natural forces/phenomena etc.
They can change the cosmic order so that a lesser/weaker god came into existence before an abstract being or embodiment, switch the cosmic rankings so mortals can harm or kill transcendent beings, change the food-chain so that prey lifeforms are now the predators, and more.
- Abolishment
- Absolute Invulnerability
- Absolute Law Manipulation
- Absolute Life Manipulation
- Boundary Removal
- Deity Manipulation
- Definition Manipulation
- Entity Lordship
- Existence Assignment
- Food-Chain Manipulation
- Inside Manipulation
- Meta Event Manipulation
- Meta Power Transferal
- Normalcy Manipulation
- Outside Manipulation
- Possibility Reconstruction
- Power Transmutation
- Purpose Manipulation
- Supernatural Dominion
- Transcendence Manipulation
- Inversion
- Nigh Omnipotence Bestowal
- Rank Creation
- Rank Promotion
- Rule Transcendence
- Weakness Empowerment
- Absolute Change
- Authority Manipulation
- Boundary Manipulation
- Hierarchy Manipulation
- Meta Fate Manipulation
- Meta Variable Manipulation
- Omniarch
- Sequence Manipulation
- Status Manipulation
- Title Manipulation
- Users of Freedom and Hierarchy Transcendence may be resistant/immune.
- Users of Cosmic Otherness/Omnipotent Beings and Omnilocks are outside of the hierarchy.
Known Users[]
- Vecna (AD&D)
- Lady of Pain (AD&D)
- Lord Ao (AD&D)
- The Living Tribunal (Marvel Comics)
- Web-Spinners (Marvel Comics)
- Ryu (Breath of Fire IV); as the Yorae Dragon