Superpower Wiki

The power to create/induce crossovers. Sub-power of Crossover Manipulation. Variation of Story Creation.

Also Called[]

  • Crossover Creation/Effect


The user can create/induce crossovers to other universes, enabling two or more otherwise discrete characters, settings, and/or universes to interact.




  • May be limited to certain universes.
  • May be temporary.
  • May only be limited to certain universes where one male user is from the same exact world that has the same exact city, state, country, continent and planet altogether as the opposite male or female users. (I.E. DC Comics universe colliding with the Mortal Kombat universe in Mortal Kombat vs. DC the video game and comics, the Jimmy Neutron universe colliding with the The Fairly Oddparents universe, DC Comics universe colliding with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe, the One Piece universe colliding with the Dragon Ball and Toriko universes via the Cross Epoch chapter and episode special etc.).
  • May sometimes only collide fictional characters from fictional universes that have fictional places with one another's. (I.E. Goku from the Dragonball universes Dragon World, Monkey D. Luffy from the One Piece universes Blue Sea, Toriko from the Toriko universes Gourmet World. Etc.).
  • May sometimes only collide fictional characters from fictional universes that have real-life places with another's. (I.E. Jimmy Kudo from the Case Closed universe colliding with the Lupin the 3rd universe in real-life Tokyo, Japan via the Lupin the 3rd vs. Detective Conan movie, Jimmy Neutron from the Jimmy Neutron universe colliding with the The Fairly Oddparents universe in real-life United States America via the The Fairly OddParents Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour 2: When Nerds Collide television special, etc.).

Known Users[]

See also: Crossover Alternate Universe

  • Brothers (Amalgam Comics)
  • Cosmo and Wanda (The Fairly OddParents!)
  • Ultron Sigma (Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite)
  • Dark Kahn (Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe)
  • Master Hand (Super Smash Bros. series)
  • Old Clock Shop Man (Digimon Xros Wars)
  • Ultra V (War Of The Monsters)

Known Objects[]

  • Crisis Tower (Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
  • Unity Engines (Sonic & Mega Man: Worlds Unite)

Known Locations[]

