The power to crush or deform people or objects no matter their constitution.
Also Called[]
- Compression
- Crashing
- Crippling
- Crumpling
- Crunch
- Crush
- Pressure
- Smashing
- Squish
The user is able to easily crush and/or deform almost any object around them by making physical contact or through other means. Individuals who are affected by this power are afflicted with severely misshapen bones that appeared as if they had simply grown that way their whole lives.
- Air Manipulation - by increasing air pressure.
- Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Strength
- Elemental Crushing
- Gravity Manipulation - by increasing gravity or enveloping the target in a gravity field.
- Pressure Manipulation
- Spatial Pressure Generation - generate spatial pressure.
- Telekinesis
- Constriction
- Earth Manipulation
- Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Strength
- Force-Field Generation
- Gravity Manipulation
- Pincer Grip
- Strangulation
- Structure Weakening
- Telekinesis
- Weapon Proficiency
- Useless against Absolute Invulnerability and Flawless Indestructibility.
Known Users[]
- Variation Users
Known Objects[]
- Crimson Gem of Cyttorak (Marvel Comics)
- Gauntlets of Ares (Marvel Comics)
- Fist of Tebigong (Xiaolin Showdown)
Maro (Black Cat) creating graviton spheres that can fatally crush his targets and create deep craters.
Victor Powered (Buso Renkin) using his Fatal Attraction to manipulate the gravity field around him, crushing his adversaries.
Gaara (Naruto) using his chakra-infused sand to crush Shiba with so much pressure, it liquefied his corpse.
Nagato/Pain (Naruto) using Shinra Tensei to release a powerful repulsion force to crush the Leaf village.
Jinin Akebino (Naruto) using the hammer of the Bluntsword/Blunt Blade the Helmet Splitter: Kabutowari.
Anji Yūkyūzan (Rurouni Kenshin) brutally crushing the village chief's head, splattering his brains all over the place.
Minimalist (Sakamoto Days) was put on death row for murder, his method was to crush his targets into tint balls with his inhuman strength.
Krushauer (The Incredibles); via Telekinesis
Live Television[]
Combine Advisors (Hλlf-Life 2 series) can crush objects using Telekinesis.
Cassie Blake (The Secret Circle); via Telekinesis
Santa And Coke Robot Chicken Adult Swim
Hey Coke, Little Saint Nick knows you've been using his image for your own gain, and he's pissed!