Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate curses. Sub-power of Supernatural Manipulation. Variation of Spell Manipulation. Opposite to Blessing Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Anathema/Commination/Execration/Hex/Imprecation/Malediction/Malison Manipulation
  • Jaydaykinesis
  • Katárakinesis


Users can create, shape, move, control, interact and change curses, any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to one or more persons, a place, or an object. They might also be able to manifest curses or the cursed as energy or a force to achieve various effects. They can effectively curse anything they wish and might be able to exert power over things that have been cursed.

Among the most common effects of curses are misfortune/bad luck, various sicknesses, infertility, physical defects/ugliness, etc. when affecting people, breaking or working wrong or causing problems when used on objects and tendency to draw various disasters for places. Traditional magical curses include transforming the victim fully or partially into an animal/monster that fits the offense, blood-lust, insanity, unstoppable rages, unhealing wounds, misshapen/inhuman offspring, and a whole host of other effects.

Curses are well known to create and induce supernatural anomalies. Anomalies are capable of warping reality too, such as dimensional rifts appearing on any surface like the ceiling, wall, or floor, and among other things like various objects appearing out of thin air, etc. They can even manifest curses as energy or powers itself.






  • Users of Curse Immunity or Curse Negation are immune or able to remove the curses.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
  • Curses may be dependent on verbal incantation.
  • Destruction of the user may undo the curses.

Known Users[]

See Also: Curse.

  • Kintoru (The Mimic)

Known Powers/Techniques[]

  • Curse-Warding Magic (Black Clover)
  • Jujutsu (Jujutsu Kaisen)
  • Curses (Fairy Tail)
  • Curse Magic (Various Series)



