Superpower Wiki
"You want to get rid of the curse? First, you've got to give it to this pie. Then you give this pie with the curse inside to somebody else."
― Tadzu Lempke to Billy Halleck (Stephen King's Thinner)

The power to exchange curses. Sub-power of Curse Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Curse Exchange
  • Curse Switching


A user of this ability can transfer curses. It allows the user to move curses from one person to another. For example, if someone is cursed with bad luck, the user can transfer that curse to someone else and free the original person from the curse. This ability can be used for good or evil purposes, depending on the user's intentions and morals.




  • May only transfer curses due to lack of knowledge of how to remove it completely.
  • May have side effects.

Known Users[]

  • Tadzu Lempke (Stephen King's Thinner)

Known Items[]

  • The Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean franchise)