Superpower Wiki
"When she was fully grown, he had carbon-fiber body armor implanted under her skin. And if she wasn’t crazy before that procedure the pain did the rest."
― Peter Gambi (Arrowverse/Black Lightning) explains Syonide's condition to Jennifer.

The ability to have cybernetic body armor under one's skin. Sub-power of Technorganic Physiology. Variation of Robotic Body Parts.

Also Called[]

  • Bionic/Cybernetic/Mechanical/Robotic Muscle/Muscle Tissue/Muscular/Under-Skin Armor
  • Bionic/Mechanical/Robotic Subdermal Armor


The user is implanted with artificial body armor under their skin, which will result in the user possessing cybernetically enhanced durability and strength. Even though the user is technically a cyborg, cybernetic body armor implanted under the skin may affect the user’s DNA, thus likely becoming a transhuman and developing their own supernatural abilities in a way.




  • Depending on how strong the artificial body armor could be the user may still sustain damages especially on the outer body.

Known Users[]

  • V (Cyberpunk 2077)
  • Syonide "Sy" Whale (DC Comics/Arrowverse)
  • MPN2 Arena Mode Protagonist (Madness Combat)
  • Elias Wirtham/Cardiac (Marvel Comics)

Known Objects[]

  • Various integumentary system-based Cyberware (Cyberpunk 2077)
    • Carapace
    • Cellular Adapter
    • Chitin
    • Countershell
    • Nano-plating
    • Optical Camo
    • ProxiShield
      • Peripheral Inverse
    • Subdermal Armor
  • Carbon-Farmed Muscle Culture (Madness Combat)

