Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate the dark/destructive aspects of plants and plant life. Variation of Dark Organic Manipulation. Combination of Plant Manipulation and Negative Forces Manipulation. Not to be confused with Demonic Plant Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Destructive Plant Manipulation
  • Grim Plant Manipulation
  • Hazardous Plant Manipulation
  • Negative Plant Manipulation
  • Ominous Plant Manipulation
  • Nega-Chlorokinesis


Users can create, shape and manipulate plants and plant life of a darker and destructive nature; one that consumes, destroys and damages everything they come across. Representing the hazardous and more destructive side of plant life, they bypass most of their weaknesses (e.g., being capable of withstanding high temperatures.) In essence, this about solely controlling the negative aspects of plants.




  • Dark plants are volatile/destructive, causing harm to oneself/environment by accident is an ever-present danger.
  • Countered by beneficial Plant Manipulation.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
  • What the user gains in sheer destructive power, they lose in versatility/fine control.
  • The user may become more violent.

Known Users[]
