Superpower Wiki
"I seem heartless because my heart died with her."
― Obito Uchiha (Naruto)
"My Mama always said that a cold heart, is a dead heart."
― Karen Jenson (Blade 1998)
"Can a heart still break once it stopped beating?"
― Corpse Bride tagline

The ability to live with a non-functioning heart. Variation of Supernatural Heart. Opposite of Strong Heart. Not to be confused with Heartlessness.

Also Called[]

  • Broken Heart
  • Cold Heart
  • Grieving Heart
  • Half Alive
  • Rotten Heart
  • Undead Heart


Users are able to function normally without the use of their heart, so said organ is considered "dead" or "non-functioning". Literally, this means the heart is still inside the user's body but simply doesn't work. Conceptually, it means the user has suffered a severe trauma that has caused the "death" of their heart, making them unable to experience positive feelings and emotions and in the worst cases, all emotions. This causes a sudden change in their personality, making them cold, "heartless" and devoid of compassion.

This does not mean that their heart is lost forever, it is possible to "reactivate" it through other powers (literally way) or by making them feel strong and sincere positive emotions (conceptual way).




  • May suffer a form of "hollowness" and "unfulfillment" within them, both physically and emotionally.
  • May require a prosthetic of some kind to pick up the slack.
  • May need to be already dead to have one such as a zombie or a vampire.
  • May still act as a way for the user to live like a live one, if the user's immortal, ripping out the heart may officially kill the user.
  • Weak against Heart Restoration.

Known Users[]

Known Items[]

