- "His will undergo six stages of agony while speeding towards his inevitable death. His face will turn green, and he'll begin to choke. Soon after, his face will start to burn. Benson's intestines will begin to melt and leak out of his body. He will shriek in pain, but no one will hear it because his vocal cords will long since evaporated. But then he'll regain his vocal cords. Only to cry out for mercy in ancient dialects long since forgotten."
- ― Sensai to Benson, Mordecai and Rigby (Regular Show)
The power to manipulate organic essence/matter that can destroy/weaken/erase life. Combination of Organic Manipulation and Death-Force Manipulation. Opposite to Life Organic Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Deadly Organic Control/Manipulation
- Death Organic Control
- Organic Essence/Matter of Death
- Organic Essence/Matter of Death Control/Manipulation
- Necro-Organikóskinesis
User can create, shape and manipulate death organic essence/matter; biologically based substances capable of destroying/weakening/removing life. This allows them to not only destroy and erase life with the organic essence/matter, but it also allows them to possibly mutilate or even destroy the souls of any living person.
- Death-Force Manipulation
- Death Inducement; via organic essence/matter
- Death Infusion
- Destruction
- Necromancy
- Organic Manipulation
- Soul Destruction
- Soul Mutilation
- Spiritual Organic Manipulation
- Countered by Life Organic Manipulation.
- Distance, mass, precision, etc., depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user and their power's natural limits.
- Users of Life Resilience may be immune or highly resistant to this power.
Known Users[]
- Forgeries (Deadman Wonderland)
- Cioccolata (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part V: Vento Aureo/Golden Wind); via Green Day
- Pannacotta Fugo (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part V: Vento Aureo/Golden Wind); via Purple Haze
- Kevin Ford/Wither (Marvel Comics)
- Various Pestilence Incarnations (Marvel Comics)
- Gloxinia (Nanatsu no Taizai); via Basquias
- All-Killing Ash Bones Users (Naruto)
- Rinkaichū Users (Naruto)
- Various Grass type/Poison type Move Users (Pokémon)
- Grand Master of Death Kwon Do (Regular Show)
- Sensai (Regular Show)
- Pestilence (Supernatural)