- "I am old, Gandalf. I don't look it, but I am beginning to feel it in my heart of hearts. Well-preserved indeed! Why, I feel all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread. That can't be right. I need a change, or something."
- ― Bilbo Baggins (The Lord of the Rings)
- "I am still my youthful years of one hundred and thirties thank you."
- ― Kureha (One Piece)
- "I hate to admit it, but I am only a hundred and six."
- ― Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect)
- "I'd rather not say this in front of His Majesty, but I'll have you know I've been alive for decades!"
- "Hmph! Well, I've been fighting for this country for over a century!"
- ― Aisha and Castor (How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom)
- "I’m old, not obsolete."
- ― Pops/Guardian (Terminator: Genisys)
The power to age at a slower-than-normal rate. Sub-power of Age Deceleration. Opposite to Accelerated Aging. Not to be confused with Enhanced Longevity.
Also Called[]
- Enhanced Decelerated Aging
- Decelerated Aging Process
- Delayed/Slowed/Static Aging
- Long-Life
- Preserved Prime Form
The user ages slower than normal for their species and potentially has a long lifespan.
- Age Manipulation
- Alien Physiology
- Bionic Physiology
- Cybernetic Metal Skeleton
- Dhampir Physiology
- Enhanced Condition
- Life Renewal
- Archetype:Martial Artist
- Power via Radioactive Serum
- Semi-Immortality/Immortality
- Shapeshifting
- Speedster
- Superior Human Physiology
- Telomere Regeneration
- Unnatural Quality
- May still be susceptible to Age Manipulation.
- Slower aging can mean one maintains their youthful appearance and health longer but aren't necessarily immortal and could still eventually die.
Known Users[]
See Also: Really 700 Years Old
- Suzu Shutou (Akuma no Riddle)
- Soul Reapers/Shinigami (Bleach)
- Arrancars (Bleach)
- Quincies (Bleach)
- Mana Takamiya (Date A Live)
- Aqua (Di Gi Charat)
- Brioche d'Arquien/Hina Makishima (Dog Days)
- Various characters (Dragon Ball series)
- Edel Raids (Elemental Gelade)
- Tomiko Asahina (From the New World)
- Master Son (Gintama)
- Elfs (Goblin Slayer)
- Dwarfs (Goblin Slayer)
- Alexander Anderson (Hellsing)
- Gift Users (Hero Killer)
- Nations (Hetalia); except China
- Aria H. Kanzaki (Hidan no Aria)
- Mikumo Kushinada (History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi)
- Nen Users (Hunter X Hunter)
- Dark Elfs (How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom)
- Sea Serpents (How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom)
- Dragonewt (How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom)
- Elfs (How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom)
- Grandmaster Martial Artists (HANJUNG WOLYA Universe)
- Various Characters (In Another World, I'm Called: the Black Healer)
- Geum Bongnam (Infinite Leveling: Murim)
- Ripple/Hamon Users (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series)
- Witches (Majimoji Rurumo)
- Harulily
- Rurumo
- Dragons (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid); with the exception of Lucoa
- All For One (My Hero Academia)
- Dr. Kyudai Garaki (My Hero Academia)
- Jeok Cheongang (Murim Login)
- Mae Jonghak/Jong Richu (Murim Login)
- Uzumaki Clan (Naruto)
- Tsunade (Naruto)
- Ōtsutsuki Clan (Naruto)
- Nobles (Noblesse)
- Dr. Kureha (One Piece)
- Giants (One Piece)
- Lao G (One Piece); via Battle Preservation Fist
- Ichigo Morino (Onegai Teacher)
- Kei Kusanagi (Onegai Teacher)
- Female Dwarves (Outbreak Company)
- Tsukina Farrow (Plunderer)
- Kurousagi (Problem Children are Coming from Another World, Aren't They?)
- Jogorō Furuya (Sankarea)
- Rin (Shelter)
- Cheongmyeong (Return of the Blossoming Blade)
- Tang Bo (Return of the Blossoming Blade)
- D (Vampire Hunter D)
- Kanna Hatano/Arima (Yu-No)
- Hyoubu Kyousuke (Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited)
- Mammoth Mogul (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Laura Weathermill (Angel: After the Fall)
- Aquaman (DC Comics)
- O-Sensei (DC Comics)
- The Sensei (DC Comics)
- Kryptonians (DC Comics)
- Jay Garrick/The Flash (DC Comics)
- Ted Grant/Wildcat (DC Comics)
- Doctor Fate (DC Comics)
- Martians (DC Comics)
- Burning Martians
- Green Martians
- White Martians
- Various Metahumans (DC Comics)
- Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy (DC Comics)
- Maxima (DC Comics)
- Ra's al Ghul (DC Comics)
- Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
- Coluans (DC Comics)
- Gothwrain (Gold Digger)
- Hellboy (Hellboy/BPRD)
- Anzati (Star Wars Legends)
- Supreme (Image Comics)
- Viltrumites (Invincible/Image Comics)
- Asgardians (Marvel Comics)
- Atlanteans (Marvel Comics)
- Gamma Mutates (Marvel Comics)
- Infinity Formula Users (Marvel Comics)
- Various Mutants (Marvel Comics)
- Super Soldier Serum Users (Marvel Comics)
- Steve Rogers/Captain America
- Josiah al hajj Saddiq/Justice
- Robert Reynolds/Sentry
- James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel Comics)
- Laura Kinney/Wolverine II (Marvel Comics)
- Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Marvel Comics)
- Akihiro/Hellverine (Marvel Comics)
- Victor Creed/Sabretooth (Marvel Comics)
- Romulus (Marvel Comics)
- Remus (Marvel Comics)
- Raven Darkholme/Mystique (Marvel Comics)
- Eric Brooks/Blade (Marvel Comics)
- Silas Burr/Cyber (Marvel Comics)
- Silver Surfer (Marvel Comics)
- Selene (Marvel Comics)
- Kyle Gibney/Wild Child (Marvel Comics)
- Algernon (UN Comics)
- Fu Dog (American Dragon: Jake Long)
- Albedo (Ben 10 series)
- Old George (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
- Grandfather (Codename: Kids Next Door)
- Elemental Masters (Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
- Monroe (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee)
- Wang Fu (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir)
- She-Ra (Princess of Power)
- Atlanteans (DC Animated Movie Universe)
Live Television[]
- Olaf Johnson (The Almighty Johnsons)
- Gravedigger (Arrowverse)
- Looker (Arrowverse)
- Stormfront (The Boys)
- Soldier Boy (The Boys)
- Dusty (The Boys: Gen V)
- Time Lords (Doctor Who)
- Zygons (Doctor Who)
- Jagrafess (Doctor Who)
- Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who/Torchwood); after Bad Wolf
- Ryusoul Tribe (Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger)
- Demons (The New Legends Of Monkey)
- The Man in Black (Lost)
- Jacob (Lost)
- Richard Alpert (Lost)
- Nephilim (Lucifer)
- Aurora "Rory" Decker-Morningstar
- El-Aurians (Star Trek)
- Guinan
- Onlies (Star Trek)
- Vulcans (Star Trek)
- Spock
- T'Pol
- Tuvok
- Wraith (Stargate)
- Angels (Supernatural)
- Satomi Ito (Teen Wolf)
- Rayna Cruz (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
- Powerful Witches (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies) via spells
- Dryads (Legacies)
- Ablah (Legacies)
- Ultras (Ultraman Series)
- Sir Reginald Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
- Madame Gao (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Stick (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- RoboCop (RoboCop)
- Wookiees (Star Wars)
- Hutts (Star Wars)
- Yoda's species (Star Wars)
- People from Chaos or Amber (Chronicles of Amber)
- Vampires (Cirque Du Freak)
- Vanir (Crescent City)
- Long-Timers (The Dark Tower)
- Wizards and Witches (Harry Potter)
- Dúnedain (The Lord of the Rings)
- Ring-bearers (The Lord of the Rings)
- Supernaturals (Shadow Falls)
- Human subjugates (Shadowhunter Chronicles)
- Archer
- Walker
- Any sorcerer (Skulduggery Pleasant)
- Witchers (The Witcher)
- Geralt of Rivia
- The Young Guardians (The Young Guardians)
Video Games
- Rayne (BloodRayne)
- Nowi (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
- Antlion Guards (Hλlf-Life 2 Series)
- Antlion Guardian (Hλlf-Life 2: Episode Two)
- Yordles (League of Legends)
- Zora (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
- Asari (Mass Effect)
- Krogan (Mass Effect)
- Edenians (Mortal Kombat)
- Outworlders (Mortal Kombat)
- Shokan (Mortal Kombat)
- Erron Black (Mortal Kombat)
- Aya Brea (Parasite Eve)
- Ninetales (Pokémon)
- Mold Infectees (Resident Evil)
- Miranda (Resident Evil: Village)
- Life States (The Sims)
- Alchemax CEO (Spider-Man: Edge of Time); via Anti-Aging Drug
- Turok (Turok: Dinosaur Hunter)
- The Bronze Dragonflight (Warcraft series)
Web Animation/Comic/Series
- Redcloak (The Order of the Stick)
- Merlin (Stupid Mario Brothers)
- Nox Decious (Stupid Mario Brothers)
- SCP-321 - Child of Man (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-4670 - Pigs in Blankets (SCP Foundation)
- Sophia/Olympia/Subject/Zero/Olympia Zero/The Original/Europa (SCP Foundation)
- Dragons (AD&D); via Dragonsleep
- The Dad from Happier Music Video (Happier-Marshmello)
Known Objects[]
- Ice King's Crown (Adventure Time)
- One Ring (The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings)
- The Crimson Mantle (The Order of the Stick)
- Infinity Formula (Marvel Comics)
- Super-Soldier Serum (Marvel Comics)
Known Locations[]
- Lazarus Pits (DC Comics)
- Geotopia (Ice Age: Collision Course)
- Fountain of Youth (Ice Age: Collision Course); crystal asteroid
- Realm of Darkness (Kingdom Hearts series)
Grandfather (Codename: Kids Next Door) has been alive ever since the 19th century in the exact same physical state, despite his aged appearance in the 21st century.
Jay Garrick/The Flash's (DC Comics) differing metabolism and connection to the Speed Force slows his aging.
Due to having her DNA mutated into a plant-like capabilities basing on solar energy, Poison Ivy's (DC Comics) will live longer and aged slower than regular humans, as long as she maintains absorbing enough solar energy.
Due to effects of yellow sun radiation, Kryptonians like Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman (DC Comics) ages far slower than normal humans.
Though chronologically in her late forties or early fifties, Miss Martian (DC Comics/Young Justice) is only sixteen by the Martian calendar.
Mystique (Marvel Comics) uses her shapeshifting abilities to rejuvenate her cells, slowing her aging process dramatically.
Born in the 19th century and about 200 years old, Victor Creed/Sabretooth's (Marvel Comics) regenerative abilities slows his aging dramatically.
Being well over 200 years of age, Silas Burr/Cyber (Marvel Comics) retained the appearance and vigor of a man in his physical prime due to his accelerated healing factor, aging much slower than an ordinary human...
...having once been a partner to the Edinburgh killers, William Burke and William Hare took part in the heinous West Port murders of 1828.
Born in the 19th century, James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine's (Marvel Comics) regenerative abilities slow his aging dramatically, as he is over 100 years, yet still in his physical prime.
As a Half-Vampire, Eric Brooks/Blade (Marvel Comics) has a much longer lifespan than a normal human having been born in the early 1920s.
Thanks to the Infinity Formula, Nick Fury (Marvel Comics) remains in his prime despite chronologically being nearly 100 years old.
Due to the effects of the Super-Soldier Serum, Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel Comics) is unable to age and will remain in his healthy physical prime.
Due to the effects of the Super-Soldier Serum, Josiah al hajj Saddiq/Justice (Marvel Comics) remains in his healthy physical prime despite being born in the 1940s.
Inheriting his father's healing factor, Akihiro/Daken (Marvel Comics) retains the appearance of a young man in his physical prime despite being over 80 years old.
Due to his time in the Lost Land, Turok's (Turok: Dinosaur Hunter) aging process has been greatly slowed.
Viltrumites like Thragg (Invincible/Image Comics) have the potential to live for thousands of years and still be in their physical prime, aging slower the older they get.
Viltrumites like Anissa (Invincible/Image Comics) have the potential to live for thousands of years and still be in their physical prime, aging slower the older they get.
Shinigami/Soul Reapers (Bleach) can live to be far older than Humans by default, though by how much seems to depend on how much more Spiritual Power they have.
Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto (Bleach) is a Shinigami who was over 2,000 years old by the time of his death.
Despite her youthful appearance, Retsu Unohana (Bleach) was one of the oldest Shinigami there is being one of the founders of the Gotei 13 alongside Yamamoto.
Pure-blood Saiyans like Son Goku (Dragon Ball series) have a slower aging rate than earthlings and half-Saiyans. Staying in their prime for much longer as they age.
Pure-blood Saiyans like Vegeta (Dragon Ball series) have a slower aging rate than earthlings and half-Saiyans. Staying in their prime for much longer as they age.
Half-demons like Inuyasha (InuYasha) have a longer lifespan than normal humans, living over 50 years without aging past his teenage appearance.
Though she has the appearance of a beautiful woman in her late 20's to early 30's, Mikumo Kushinada (History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi) is actually over 90.
Hamon/Ripple Users, like Elizabeth Joestar/Lisa Lisa, (JoJo's Bizarre Adventures Part II: Battle Tendency) can preserve their vitality and youthful looks and be more energetic even during old age.
Despite having the appearance of a pre-teen girl, Rurumo (Majimoji Rurumo) spent over 60 years in the magic/witch world jail and is at least 150 years old.
Though chronologically older than most living humans, Kanna Kamui (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid) is physically and psychologically a nine-year-old child in dragon time.
Master Son (Gintama) uses Qi Gong to manipulate his lifespan, having lived in the battlefield for more than two centuries.
Doctor Kureha (One Piece) maintains an immensely healthy and robust constitution, which significantly reduced her aging process to the point she remains superhumanly strong at the age of 141.
Lao G (One Piece) uses Jio-Ken to store up the vitality of his youth, when unleashed he restored his constitution to his physical prime, completely negating any debilitating weakness of old age.
Yorl and Yarl (One Piece) are the world's oldest giants, both have lived far beyond a giant's average lifespan at the age of 344 and 345 respectively.
As a giant Hajrudin (One Piece) ages very slowly, though he appears to be a robust man in his prime he is actually 81 years old.
Dragons (Maid Dragon) have the same average lifespan as stars and other stellar bodies, making them seem almost immortal by comparison to the lifespan of humans and other species.
King Bradley (Full Metal Alchemist) was injected with a philosopher stone and modified into a Human Homunculus, though he did not gain immortal regeneration powers like his "siblings", it super humanly enhanced his body to the point it slowed his aging process.
Yushin (Hero Killer) has an immensely healthy and robust lifespan due to his immense power as an Elder and Gift User despite being centuries old in his age.
While a beautiful looking young woman, Victoria (Hero Killer) is quite old, having lived for centuries but ageing at an incredibly slower state due to her immense power as an Elder.
Live Television/Movies[]
Gabriel Van Helsing (Van Helsing) has apparently been alive since the first century yet is still in his prime.
Olaf Johnson (The Almighty Johnson) barely ages after becoming the reincarnation of Baldr at his 21st birthday, he already has about 20 children and at least 4 grandchildren.
Madame Gao (Marvel Cinematics Universe) has lived for over four hundred years, and despite her physical appearance of an elderly woman, she is a very strong martial art master.
Stick (Marvel Cinematic Universe) extensive meditation allows him to restore his physical health and vitality, giving him top physical condition despite age of ninety.
As a member of Yoda's species, Grogu (Star Wars) ages very slowly, to the extent he's considered a toddler despite being fifty years old.
Video Games[]
Though she has the appearance and personality of a young child, Nowi (Fire Emblem: Awakening) is over 1000 years old.
Though chronologically over a hundred years old, Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect) is barely an adult by asari standards.
Due to a contract with Shang Tsung, Erron Black (Mortal Kombat) has slowed aging, still appearing in his prime despite being over 150 years old.
Though in her late 30s, Aya Brea's (Parasite Eve) aging process has been greatly slowed by the mitochondria in her cells, giving her the appearance of a woman in her early 20s.
Tomiko Asahina (From the New World) has slowed her aging dramatically and lived for over 250 years by continually rejuvenating her telomeres.