- "Cause greedy human beings will always lend a hand.
- With the destruction of this worthless jungle land.
- And what a beautiful machine they have provided.
- To slice a path of doom with my foul breath to guide it."
- ― Hexxus (Toxic Love)
The power of becoming a living embodiment of deforestation. Variation of Destruction Embodiment and Pollution Embodiment.
Users of this power are capable of becoming living embodiments of deforestation; as such, they can command apocalyptic forces designed to eradicate large sections of forest. They can also manipulate the social and economic circumstances that lead to such events; for example, they may increase humanity's greed or selfishness. They may take control of machinery or invent entirely new ways to destroy forests and the animal/plant life within.
Due to the devastating nature of deforestation, it is an exclusively evil power, linked to the more large-scale Pollution Embodiment.
- Destruction Manipulation
- Extinction Inducement ; causes extinction of entire eco-systems (birds, animals, plants and insects - would eventually even lead to human extinction if taken to the extremes.)
- Fire Manipulation; capable of using large fires to burn down forests, often in combination with other destructive powers.
- Machine Empowerment; capable of controlling machines used for mass deforestation.
- Pollution Manipulation
- Apocalypse Inducement; the ultimate outcome of such a being gaining total conquest of an ecosystem.
- Death Empowerment; may grow stronger with each life taken (especially plant-life)
- Destruction Empowerment; may grow stronger the more forests are destroyed
- Greed Empowerment; may grow stronger as humans grow more greedy and less caring of their actions.
- Destruction Embodiment
- Greed Embodiment; often linked to human greed and poor management of resources.
- Pollution Embodiment
- Ecocide
- Can be countered by sufficiently powerful forest magic, nature deities or similar.
- Much like Dark National Personifications these beings are complex parasites, if they succeed in destroying all forests in their world or setting, they will inevitably die as well - thus they can be considered a self-destructive force.
Known Users[]
- Hexxus (FernGully)
- Looten Plunder (Captain Planet); via Ring of Deforestation
- Captain Pollution (Captain Planet)
- Orb of Caldia (Marchen Awakens Romance)
Known Items[]
- Ring of Deforestation (Captain Planet)