- "Oh, hey, hey! It's alright. Charlie? You're alright now. You... are Paimon, one of the eight Kings of Hell. We have looked to the Northwest and called you in. We've corrected your first female body and give you now this healthy male host. We reject the Trinity and pray devoutly to you, great Paimon. Give us your knowledge of all secret things. Bring us honor, wealth and good familiars. Bind all men to our will, as we have bound ourselves for now - and ever - to yours. Hail, Paimon! Hail, Paimon! Hail! "
- ― Joan (Hereditary)
The ability to channel the essence of a supreme malevolent entity through one's body to access its abilities and individual traits. Variation of Channeling and Living Conduit.
Also Called[]
- Demonic/Channeling/Harnessing
The user is able to gain nightmarish power by channeling the essence of a hellish outer entity through their body to gain access to their abilities and knowledge. They may be able to communicate with the ancient being they are channeling and ask for assistance when handling opponents.
- Absolute Senses
- Absolute Strength
- Cosmic Awareness/Omniscience
- Demon Mode
- Invulnerability/Absolute Defense
- Reality Sundering
- Supernatural Condition
- Channeling
- Divine Infusion
- Demonic Infusion
- Demonic Arm
- Eldritch Physiology
- Living Conduit
- Possession
- Satanic Incarnation
- Unholy Vessel
- Though the user is channeling a demonic entity, the user's body itself may or may not be resistant to extensive external damage and is therefore a massive weakness.
- The stronger the entity (unless the demon willingly desires to maintain the user's body) the more unstable the user's body becomes.
- User is vulnerable to Possession by the demonic entity that they are channeling, running the risk of losing control of their body and/or mind to the demon.
Known Users[]
- Sineya (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Leader of the Unitologist Cult (Dead Space 3: Awakened); via connection to the Brethren Moons
- Peter Griffin (Family Guy); briefly after being hypnotized
- Graham Family (Hereditary); via King Paimon
- Charlie
- Annie
- Peter
- Ghost Riders (Marvel Comics)
- Johnny Blaze
- Dan Ketch
- Madelyne Pryor (Marvel Comics); as the Goblin Queen
Jason Blood (DC Comics) became bounded to a demon by Merlin, which not only gave him Immortality, but also let him changed into...
Sabbac (DC Comics) is a human when transformed, becomes a demon empowered by the Dark Lords of Hell.