Superpower Wiki
"Yeah, that demon ray gun stuff doesn't work on me."
― Sam Winchester to Samhain (Supernatural S4E7: It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester)

The power to be immune to demonic powers. Variation of Power Immunity. Opposite of Divine Power Immunity.

Also Called[]

  • Demonokinetic Durability/Cancellation/Immunity/Imperviousness/Invulnerability/Insulation/Nullification/Proof/Protection/Tolerance
  • Demon/Demonic-Immunity/Proof/Proofness


The user is immune to all or certain demonic powers and effects, making them able to withstand demonic power and go toe-to-toe with demons.




  • Still vulnerable to divine powers.
  • More powerful demons (such as a transcendent demon) may be harder to be immune to.
  • May not last forever.

Known Users[]

  • Sam Winchester (Supernatural); initially limited to demonic white light, but immunity grew the more he drank demon blood, becoming immune to Alastair's Telekinesis.
  • Dean Winchester (Supernatural); via the Mark of Cain, immune to Abaddon's powers.
  • Kaldor Draigo (Warhammer 40,000) has been fighting daemons for hundreds of years while trapped in the demonically infested Warp and hasn't shown any signs of slowing.
  • Inhabitants of Imorra (Doom Eternal)
    • Hell Troopers
  • Oh Kang Woo (Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later)

