The power to remove any/all dependencies. Sub-power of Dependency Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Dependency Negation
User can remove any/all dependencies of oneself or another, including dependency on food, water, oxygen, energy, medicine, power sources, factors to situations, etc, making things be able to function without what they were dependent on before.
- Remove any dependencies.
- Dependency
- Dependency Inducement
- Dependency Manipulation
- Dimensional Independence
- Energy Independence
- Negation
- Independent Growing Booster
- Infinite Resourcefulness
- Oxygen Independence
- Power Negation
- Self Sufficiency
- Users of Negation Immunity may be immune.
- May not work on some dependencies.
Known Objects[]
- Crimson Gem of Cyttorak (Marvel Comics)
- Mujika via her blood and flesh (Yakusoku no Neverland)