Superpower Wiki
"The Lifestream. That's what we call the river of life that circles our planet, giving life to the world and everything in it."
― Marlene, in the prologue to Advent Children

The state of being the source of a specific concept. Power Source of Concept Embodiment. Not to be confused with Power Source. Lesser version of Absolute Derivation

Also Called[]

  • Living/Prime/Primal/Primordial Source
  • Origin/Source/Wellspring
  • Primary Source Mimicry


The user is or can become the source of certain/specific concept or idea, being forever bound and representing the concept of that certain abstract or metaphysical aspect/idea. Prime sources are vital power sources of certain abstract concepts or metaphysical aspects as they are the foundation of which said concepts exists. If the user ever either dies or is killed, then the concept born from them would cease to exist alongside the user.


Derivation Variations[]



  • Prime Sources are bound to the concept of existence representing fundamental sources of cosmic energy if the user of this dies or is destroyed everything they represent may cease to exist.
  • A Source itself does not possess a form of its own normally assuming a spherical form.
  • It may need a host to manifest its overwhelming power.
  • Sources are usually neutral and impartial but sometimes tend to assume complex personalities good or evil.

Known Users[]





Live Television/Movies

Video Games

Tabletop Games

Known Sources[]

Sources in the form of Entity

Sources in the form of Force/Energy

Sources in the form of Object

Sources in the form of Location


