- "The Lifestream. That's what we call the river of life that circles our planet, giving life to the world and everything in it."
- ― Marlene, in the prologue to Advent Children
The state of being the source of a specific concept. Power Source of Concept Embodiment. Not to be confused with Power Source. Lesser version of Absolute Derivation
Also Called[]
- Living/Prime/Primal/Primordial Source
- Origin/Source/Wellspring
- Primary Source Mimicry
The user is or can become the source of certain/specific concept or idea, being forever bound and representing the concept of that certain abstract or metaphysical aspect/idea. Prime sources are vital power sources of certain abstract concepts or metaphysical aspects as they are the foundation of which said concepts exists. If the user ever either dies or is killed, then the concept born from them would cease to exist alongside the user.
Derivation Variations[]
- Absolute
- Chaos
- Darkness
- Death
- Dream
- Energy
- Famine
- Knowledge
- Life
- Light
- Luck
- Nature
- Omnibenevolence
- Omnimalevolence
- Omnineutrality
- Order
- Peace
- Pestilence
- Power
- Science
- Soul
- Sound
- Music
- Universal
- War
- Prime Sources are bound to the concept of existence representing fundamental sources of cosmic energy if the user of this dies or is destroyed everything they represent may cease to exist.
- A Source itself does not possess a form of its own normally assuming a spherical form.
- It may need a host to manifest its overwhelming power.
- Sources are usually neutral and impartial but sometimes tend to assume complex personalities good or evil.
Known Users[]
- Code Eve (Bakugan: Battle Brawlers)
- Infinity Dragonoid (Bakugan: Battle Brawlers); after becoming one with the Perfect Core
- Megicula (Black Clover)
- Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka?)
- Mesprit (Pokémon)
- Hata no Kokoro (Touhou Project)
- Shiki Ryougi (TYPE-MOON)
- Deirdre (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Scathach (Valkyrie Crusade)
- The Tao (Whateley Academy)
- Krishna (18 Days)
- Death, Lord Supreme of the Underworld (Court of the Dead)
- The Endless (DC Comics)
- Entities of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum (DC Comics)
- Adara
- Butcher
- Ion
- Life Entity
- Ophidian
- Parallax
- Proselyte
- The Predator
- Lords of Chaos (DC Comics)
- Klarion the Witch Boy (DC Comics)
- New Gods (DC Comics)
- The Great Darkness (DC Comics)
- Hope (Fables)
- Celestials (Marvel Comics); via Hyperspace
- Chthon (Marvel Comics); in terms of being the source of Chaos Magic
- Galactus (Marvel Comics); the source of power of his heralds; Wielder of the Power Cosmic
- Hyperstorm (Marvel Comics); via Hyperspace
- Living Cosmic Cube (Marvel Comics); via Beyonders
- Lord Chaos (Marvel Comics)
- Master Order (Marvel Comics)
- Mistress Death (Marvel Comics)
- Mistress Love (Marvel Comics)
- Molecule Man (Marvel Comics); via Beyonders
- Oblivion (Marvel Comics)
- Sire Hate (Marvel Comics)
- Sise-Neg (Marvel Comics); after absorbing all the magical power in the Marvel Universe
- Susan Storm (Marvel Comics); via Hyperspace
- Asmodeus (Abrahamic Faiths)
- Daniel (Abrahamic Religion)
- Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Abrahamic Faiths)
- Leviathan (Abrahamic Faiths)
- Tzaphkiel (Abrahamic Faiths); possibly
- God (Abrahamic Faiths/Christianity)
- Holy Spirit (Abrahamic Faiths/Christianity)
- Mammon (Abrahamic Faiths/Hebrew Myth); Archdemon and Deity
- Tiamat (Babylonian Mythology)
- Jesus (Christianity)
- Guanyin/Kwan Yin (Chinese-Buddhist Mythology)
- Death, the Grim Reaper (European Folklore)
- Santa Muerte (Folk Catholicism)
- Thanatos/Mors (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Apep/Apophis (Egyptian Mythology)
- Isfet (Egyptian Mythology) of Chaos, Disorder, and Injustice
- Nu (Egyptian Mythology)
- Eris/Discordia (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Ymir (Norse Mythology)
- Amatsu-Mikaboshi (Shinto Mythology)
- Bia (Greek Mythology); force
- Phthonos (Greek Mythology)
- Zelus (Greek Mythology)
- Achlys (Greek Mythology)
- Oizys (Greek Mythology)
- Shakti/Adi Para Shakti (Hindu Mythology)
- Kuk (Egyptian Mythology)
- Erebus/Scotus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Nótt (Nordic Mythology)
- Satan (Theistic Satanism)
- Chernobog (Slavic Mythology)
- The Sandman (European Folklore)
- Hypnos/Somnus (Greco-Roman Mythology); sleep and dreams
- The Oneiroi (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Epiales - Nightmares
- Morpheus - Good and prophetic dreams, and Lord of the Oneiroi
- Phantasos - Surreal and strange dreams
- Phobetor/Icelos - Nightmares
- Bogeyman (Folklore); of all human fears and terror
- Deimos/Formido or Metus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Phobos/Pavor or Terror (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Chamunda (Hindu Mythology)
- Aphrodite/Venus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Eros the Elder & Eros the Younger/Cupid (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Babalon (Thelema)
- Source gods (Dark-Hunter series)
- Dendar, The Night Serpent (Forgotten Realms)
- Mystra (Forgotten Realms)
- Apophis (Riordanverse)
- Eris (Riordanverse)
- Loki (Riordanverse)
- Melkor/Morgoth (The Simarillion)
- Shai'tan/Dark One (The Wheel of Time); True Power
- The Demon (Xanth)
Live Television/Movies
- Rennek (Charmed); formerly
- Prue Halliwell (Charmed)
- Death (Collateral Beauty)
- Love (Collateral Beauty)
- Time (Collateral Beauty)
- Dream Demons (Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare); the source of nightmares
- Darkness (Legend)
- Death (Meet Joe Black)
- The Childlike Empress (The Neverending Story)
- The Darkness/Amara (Supernatural)
- Chuck Shurley/God (Supernarual); Formerly
- Jack (Supernatural); as the new God
- Death (Xena, Warrior Princess)
Video Games
- Chakravartin (Asura's Wrath)
- Old One (Demon's Souls); Soul Arts
- The Outsider (Dishonored)
- Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy VI)
- Vigoor (Ninja Gaiden)
- Erebus (Persona)
Tabletop Games
- Cosmic Forge (Rifts)
- Slaanesh (Warhammer 40k)
Known Sources[]
Sources in the form of Entity
- The Perfect Core (Bakugan: Battle Brawlers)
- The God Tree (Naruto)
Sources in the form of Force/Energy
- The Azure (Blazblue)
- The All (Charmed)
- Seven Forces of the Universe/Anti-Crisis Energy (DC Comics)
- Seven Hidden Forces Of Creation/Crisis Energy (DC Comics)
- The One Magic (Fairy Tail)
- Lifestream (Final Fantasy)
- Aurora (Rewrite)
- The Forbidden Arts (The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale)
- True Source (The Wheel of Time); One Power
Sources in the form of Object
- The Infinity Gems/Stones (Marvel Comics)
- Pandora's Box (Warehouse 13)
Sources in the form of Location
- Provenance (Final Fantasy XI)
- Beyond-Realm (Marvel Comics)
- Hyperspace (Marvel Comics)
- Galaxy Cauldron (Sailor Moon)
- Cradle of Life (Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life)
- Swirl of the Root (TYPE-MOON)
- Immaterium/The Warp (Warhammer 40k); Source of all psychic powers
- Sun Breathing (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Primal Matrix (Marvel Comics)
- The Astral Grid (Sorcerer Hunters)