Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of a Hakaishin (Japanese for God of Destruction). Variation of Transcendent Physiology.

Also Called

  • God of Destruction Physiology
  • Destroyer/Destructor Physiology
  • The Destroyer/Destructor


As a Hakaishin, the user possesses immense power to destroy anything and everything, even divine beings. They can destroy planets and whole star systems in an instant. As a Hakaishin, the user also has the task of keeping balance in the universe. Working together with Gods of Creation, the Gods of Destruction discuss which planets and/or galaxies need to be destroyed and/or rebuilt. Each Hakaishin has a universe as a administrative zone, for example if a Hakaishin watches over the milky way, the administration zone includes earth, which means that if necessary, or out of a whim, the Hakaishin can destroy earth and all it's life in order to let a God of Creation create new life and a new planet.




  • May be weakened when entering another universe.
  • Users can still be killed by other deities.

Known Users

  • Asura (Asura's Wrath)
  • Gods of Destruction (Dragon Ball)
  • Beerus (Dragon Ball)


True Hakaishin

In Title
