- "I could crush your body, I could smash your bones, but I could NEVER break your spirit."
- ― Rasslor (Dexter's Laboratory)
- "Storms! Highprince, you're all scars under here! How many times have you been wounded in the shoulder?"
"Can't Remember."
"How can you still use your arm?"
"Training and practice."
"That's not how it works!" - ― Dalinar and the Surgeon (Words of Radiance)
- "No retreat, no surrender."
- ― Cyborg (Teen Titans Go!)
The power to fight with full strength despite being near death. Sub-power of Enhanced Survivability and Strength Calling. Not to be confused with Lifeless Continuation or Survival Empowerment.
Also Called[]
- Ultimate Perseverance
User can fight and defend oneself at full strength even after being nearly killed or near death, allowing them to fight even when they shouldn't be able to (such as crippling/massive or mortal injuries, missing limbs, missing/removed organs, major blood loss, etc.).
Unlike Survival Empowerment, the user is already fighting at full strength the entire time rather than getting stronger after being near death.
- Ambition/Determination/Will Empowerment
- Berserker Physiology
- Discomfort Immunity
- Enhanced Survivability
- Feral Mind
- Indomitable Will
- Inner Power
- Overexertion Immunity
- Situational Strength
- State of Mind
- There may be a limit on how far they can push themselves.
- May die in the end if they go too far.
Known Users[]
- Batman (Batman: Arkham)
- Spider-Man/Peter Parker (Marvel Comics)
- Guts (Berserk)
- Touma Kamijou (A Certain Magical Index)
- Grog (Critical Role)
- Shinta Tagamori (Gan-Kon)
- Gamera (Gamera)
- Frank Castle/The Punisher (Marvel Comics)
- Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki (Naruto)
- Negi Springfield (Negima)
- Edward Newgate/Whitebeard (One Piece)
- Chou Shakurin (The Outcast)
- Orcs (Pathfinder)
- Monkey (The New Legends Of Monkey)
- Ezekiel Rage (The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest)
- Thomas (Maze Runner: Trilogy)
- Brad (The Lisa Series)
- Servants with Battle continuation (Fate series)
- Various Characters (Kingdom)
- Ou Ki
- Mou Bu
- Ri Shin
- Ou Hon
Despite his old age and failing health, Whitebeard (One Piece) was able to continue fighting with no less might after suffering over 400 grievous injuries, including a hole burned through his chest and having half of his face burned off until he died standing.
Even after losing a part of his ribcage and several internal organs, The Punisher (Marvel Comics) is able to continue fighting at full strength despite the fact he shouldn't be able to move, let alone still be alive.
Live Television[]
Video Games[]
When Usopp Showed his Brilliance and Loyalty To Luffy -- One Piece -English Sub-
Usopp (One Piece) despite being the weakest of his crew displays strength when it’s needed the most.