Superpower Wiki

The ability to create dimensions. A sub-power of Creation and Dimensional Manipulation, variation of Alternate Universe Creation.

Also Called

  • Dimensional Creation


The user can create dimensions and travel to them, by creating a portal or just by wishing. The user can create nearly anything within the dimension (objects, creatures, etc.) Users can bring other objects and organisms to their dimensions, although they must use more energy and concentration to do so. One might make a dimension where only they are invisible, and thus hide whenever being hunted by others.



  • The more dimensions, the more energy and concentration is required.
  • Creating too many or too complex dimensions may cause utter chaos.

Known Users

  • Alexander Luthor Jr. (DC Comics)
  • Monitors (DC Comics)
  • Mister Mxyzptlk (DC Comics)
  • Scarlet Witch (Marvel Comics)
  • The Beyonder (Marvel Comics)