The power to manipulate dimensional powers. Sub-Power of Dimensional Manipulation and Higher-Dimensional Manipulation. Exotic version of Universal Force Manipulation. Lesser version of Multiversal Force Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Dimension Force/Power Manipulation
- Exotic Dimension Power Manipulation
- Extra-Dimensional Force/Power Manipulation
- Higher-Dimensional Force/Power Manipulation
- Interdimensional Force Manipulation
Users of this power possess and/or can utilize exotic otherworldly power beyond multiple dimensions. This ability not only grants the user great strength and control over numerous variations of dimensional abilities, but also allows them to fight on par with, or possibly overwhelm powerful dimensional entities.
- Various Dimensional Powers (Depending on the Dimension)
- Personal Extra-Dimensionality
- Dimensional Interaction
- Dimensional Link
- Dimension Magic
- Dimensional Power Link
- Dimensional Travel
- Dimensional Warping
- Existential Plane Manipulation
- Supernatural Force Manipulation
- Nexus Manipulation
- Supernatural Dominion
- Universe-Exclusive Powers
- May need time to fully control this power.
- While the user is very powerful, they are still overpowered by powerful dimensional entities.
Known Users[]
- Force Conduits (DC Comics)
- Hunter Zolomon (DC Comics)
- Fifth Dimensional Imps (DC Comics)
- Dr. Strange (Marvel Comics)