Superpower Wiki

The power to turn others into dinosaurs. Variation of Animal Transmutation and Reptilian Transmutation.

Also Called

  • Dinosaur Transformation/Transmogrification


User can turn others into any kind of dinosaur at will. Effects can be permanent or temporary depending on what level of power the user is. The user can reverse the effect if they choose to do so.



  • Transmutation Immunity
  • May not be able to turn the victim back to normal.
  • May only be able to turn others into one kind of dinosaur
  • Has no control over transformed beings.
  • Absolute Restoration can undo the transmutation.

Known Users

  • Dr. Ferdinand (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run); via Scary Monsters
  • Diego Brando (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run); via Scary Monsters
  • Sauron (Marvel Comics)