The ability to move around in the same direction and maintain it well.
Also Called[]
- Constant Direction
User can effortlessly transition between any movement, stationary and traveling, at the same direction they were initially moving in without altering it. They can move in any way at a constant direction. Even jumping or rolling to the side or even gravity itself will not change the direction the user is moving in overall.
- Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Dexterity
- Enhanced Leap
- Enhanced Reflexes
- Friction Defiance
- Gravity Defiance
- Inertia Defiance
- Accelerated Movement
- Directional Manipulation
- Efficient Movement
- Enhanced Energy
- Hyper Directionality
- Speed Maintenance
- Unrestricted Movement
- May be hard to keep direction when hitting other things.
- Can be accelerated or deceleration by others.
Known Users[]
- Killer B (Naruto)
- Lightning Release Chakra Mode Users (Naruto)