Superpower Wiki

"I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly. I ask you to what end? Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here, or should I say, I am."
― Thanos (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
"This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper."
― T.S. Eliot
"This is not the convenient plot twist that saves our heroes. This is the convenient plot twist that makes them even more screwed."
― Ryan MC (Two Evil Scientists)
"I am the One Below All. With these hands I break. With this mouth I howl. I devoured the selves that were here in a time long past. Now there is I. And only I. I am all-powerful. And my weapon is hate. I have made of this a thing of hate. A hollow shell. A Hulk. The mystery frightens and disgusts me. I will kill it. Make all hollow as I. Dead and dark as I. And I will be alone."
― One-Below-All (Marvel Comics)

The ability to manipulate the limitless and ultimate disasters. Form/Expression of Omnipotence. Technique of Author Authority and Potentiality Lordship. Opposite of Absolute Miracle Manipulation. Perfect version of Disaster Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Diabolus Ex Machina
  • True Hopelessness
  • The Unstoppable Disaster


The user can create, shape and manipulate the limitless and ultimate disasters. No matter what happens or who tries to "save the day" it is completely and utterly hopeless, absolutely nothing can stop this from happening, just like real death, tragedy will strike in the bitter end.

This can be either the work of a Supreme Being bringing forth a harsh and unstoppable judgement upon their creation, an Anti-God doing their job by bringing utter misfortune and misery upon creation or an author ending a story with a completely hopeless and dark ending.

Unlike Apocalyptic Force Manipulation, this power isn't solely about controlling the final force that causes the end of all existence in a universal cycle, but bringing forth absolute ruin and tragedy that's beyond all hope of stopping, whether it is the end of everything or not.

In practice, this power is akin to Almighty Magic and Almighty Science in that, just as the only explanation you will ever get to the feats of those powers is "because it's magic" and "because it's science", the only real explanation to the impossible feats this power accomplishes is "because it's a disaster".


Any power that is needed to bring about unstoppable disasters:



Known Users[]

  • God/Yahweh (Abrahamic Religion); via Omnipotence
  • The Evangelist (Fire Force)
  • The One Below All (Marvel Comics)
    • The Breaker-Apart/The Breaker of Worlds
  • Shiva/Kali (Hinduism)
  • Great Darkness (DC Comics) - as an Anti-God
    • Empty Hand
  • Destruction of the Endless (DC Comics)
  • Scarlet demon( SCP Foundation : chinese branch) via red Existence
  • Zalgo/Za'lgatoth (Creepypasta)

