The power to manipulate discs. Variation of Object Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Disc Control
- Dískoskinesis
User can create, shape and manipulate discs of any sizes and material, shaping and combining them as needed, or moving them with telekinesis.
- Disc Attacks
- Disc Creation
- Disc Projection
- Improbable Weapon Proficiency - By using discs as a weapon.
- Object Constructs using discs.
- Manipulate the properties of discs.
- Repair discs.
- Move/lift discs.
- Flight using discs.
- Matter Surfing by riding discs.
- Projectile Enhancement with throwing discs.
- May be unable to create discs, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
- Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
Known Users[]
- Enrico Pucci (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part VI: Stone Ocean); via Whitesnake
- Aleta Ogord (Marvel Comics); via Light Solidification
- Metal Man (Mega Man 2)
- Nitro Man (Mega Man 10)
- Wheel Gator (Mega Man X2)
- Crush Crawfish (Mega Man X3)
- Renga (Naruto)
- Programs/Users (Tron series)
- Ageha Yoshina (Psyren)
- Lennon (unOrdinary)