The ability to manipulate dough. Variation of Food Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Batter Manipulation
- Dough Mastery/Control
- Zýmikinesis
The user is capable to create, shape and manipulate any types of dough, including, for example: pizzas, pastas, breads, cakes, biscuits, etc, also managing to manipulate objects involved in dough, shape dough into soldiers, tools, etc.
- Dough Generation
- Food Attacks using dough.
- Food Augmentation on dough.
- Manipulate the properties of dough.
- Move/Lift dough.
- Flight
- Matter Surfing using dough
- Organic Constructs using dough.
- Confection Manipulation
- Edible Body
- Egg Manipulation
- Food Empathy
- Mold Manipulation
- Milk Manipulation
- Organic Manipulation
- Plant Manipulation
- Powder Manipulation
- Salt Manipulation
- Spice Manipulation
- Sugar Manipulation
- May be unable to create dough, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
- Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
- May be limited to only manipulating one type of dough.
- May need to be in directly contact with dough.
Know Users[]
- Cookies (Marvel Comics)
- Dough Boy (Marvel Comics)
- Charlotte Katakuri (One Piece)
- Pucca (Pucca); when transformed in Noodle Girl, limited to noodles.