The power to use the abilities of draconic beasts. Combination of Mythical Bestiary and Dragon Physiology. Variation of Dragonborn Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Beast Dragon Physiology
- Draconic Animal Physiology
- Wild Dragon Physiology
User with this ability either is or can transform into a Draconic Beast, either an animal of draconic origin or a dragon that is permanently in animal/beast or near-so form.
Many draconic beasts are literally Supernatural: natural animals written large, with vast size and/or their natural abilities enhanced to supernatural levels, some aren't even intelligent. Generally speaking, draconic beasts don't die from natural causes, like age, disease, etc., don't grow weaker with age and have to be killed, often using specific means. Some have supernatural powers, usually ones dealing with nature and natural forces, especially destructive ones.
- Beast Force Manipulation
- Gain the form of draconic beasts from myths.
- Possess any special abilities of draconic beasts.
- Dowsing
- Environmental Adaptation
- Lunar Empowerment
- Monster Divinity
- Natural Weaponry
- Supernatural Hunter
- Unnatural Size
- Dino-Dragon Physiology
- Dragon Turtle Physiology
- Insect Dragon Physiology
- Longma Physiology
- Qilin Physiology
- Animal Imitation
- Animal Morphing
- Animal Physiology
- Dragon Physiology
- Dragonborn Physiology
- Esoteric Dragon Physiology
- Gestalt Dragon Physiology
- Giant Animal Physiology
- Giant Monster Physiology
- Mythical Bestiary
- Superior Dragon Physiology
- Transcendent Animal Physiology
- Transcendent Dragon Physiology
Known Users[]
See also: Catlike Dragons and Seahorses Are Dragons
- Dragonnes/Liondrakes (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Hatori Sohma (Fruits Basket)
- Dorat (Godzilla)
- Nekorus (Magic: The Gathering)
- Dragon animals (MediEvil)
- Dragon Toads
- Elephant Dragons
- Dragons (Lunar)
- Various Dragon-type Pokémon (Pokémon)
- High Five (Skylanders)
- Dragon (Wizards of Waverly Place)
- Georg Reizen (Fairy Tail)
- Wild Dragons (Card Fight Vanguard)
- Dorugamon (Digimon)