The power to use the ability to transform into a dragon monster. Variation of Dragon and Monster Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Draconic Monster Physiology
- Dragon Monster Mimicry
- Monstrous Dragon Physiology
A user with this ability either is or can transform into a dragon monster, a monster with an innate connection to draconic force or is draconic in origin .
- User can be a victim of Monster Slayer.
Known Users[]
- Dragons (Burn the Witch)
- Dramon-type (Digimon)
- Bahamut (Final Fantasy XVI)
- Belloc Rosenblatt (The Firebreather)
- Dragon-Type Pokémon (Pokémon)
- Various Dragons (Worldwide Folklore/Mythology)
- Dragon Yokai (Yo-kai Watch)