The ability to have the traits of a Drapet, a mythical horse-demon from French legend. Variation of Mythic Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Draquet Physiology
- Drapé Physiology
Users of this power can take on the powers of the Drapet or are one of these mythical creatures. Native to France, these entities are said to manifest as ghostly horses who would prowl the countryside looking for foolish children to lure onto their back. Each time the demon did so, the child would become stuck and the creature would lengthen its form in a horrific fashion so as to abduct great number of children (sometimes in the dozen) and spirit them away to unknown but grisly fates.
The Drapet could be seen as a fairy, a spirit of the dead or more commonly as a type of demon, with the Drapet either being seen as its own unique creature or a form taken by other monsters. The Drapet travels solely by cover of night and acts as a bogeyman figure to keep children in doors during these hours (which are naturally dangerous, being prone to criminals or other hazards), they were also a warning of sorts to parents to keep their children from straying during the night-time hours, especially in areas that are isolated and prone to danger (such as bodies of water, the forests or the dark alleys of towns and cities).
- Vulnerable to religious relics, icons and prayers.
- Vulnerable to most fairy weaknesses (cold iron etc).
- Are nocturnal monsters, thus do not manifest during the daylights hours and may be repelled by sunlight.
- Like many bogeyman figures they prey almost exclusively on the young (children), adults who show no fear may be able to overpower or outsmart the creatures.
Known Users[]
- Drapet (French Folklore)