- "Yeah, guys he went up against used to say it was like hitting oak. And nights when he was outmatched, my dad's strategy was to let 'em hit him till they broke their hands. He never got knocked out, my dad. Knocked down, sure. But he, uh, always got back up. He was always on his feet when he lost."
- ― Matt Murdock describing his father, Jack Murdock (Daredevil TV Series)
- "If there is one thing I can take pride in, I can take a beating."
- ― Haruo Yaguchi (High Score Girl)
- "I'll make it. I won't die. I've got too much I have to do to let myself die."
- ― Dwight Mcarthy (Sin City; A Dame to Kill For)
- "You're hit, man. You're bleedin'."
I ain't got time to bleed." - ― Poncho and Blain (Predator)
The power to be physically tougher than normal humans. Sub-power of Peak Human Condition. Real world version of Enhanced Durability.
Also Called[]
- Exceptional Durability
- Exceptionally/Remarkably Durable
- Extraordinary High-level Tolerance of Pain/Resilient
- Honed Durability
- High Physical Human Durability
- Incredible Tolerance for Pain
- Near/Nigh/Semi-Enhanced Durability
- Near/Nigh/Semi-Inhuman Durability
- Near/Nigh/Semi-Superhuman Durability
- Above-Ordinary Durability
- Peak-Human Level of Durability
- Peak Physical Durability
- Peak of Human Physical Durability
- Immense/Maximum/Superior (Human) Durability
- Superbly Increased Resistance/Protection
- Tremendously Durable
- Enormous Durability
- Enormously Durable
- Vast Physical Durability
- Low-Level Superhuman Durability
Users of this ability have denser, and more resilient bodily tissues than the average person. Their durability is at the peak of human conditioning, which entails that users are capable of withstanding situation and are usually unharmed by things the average person cannot like getting beaten by a thick metal bat and it would either dent or break, fall from several stories high of buildings of about 200 feet tall without breaking any bones.
They are also durable enough to survive brutal animal attacks, withstand dangerous amounts electricity equating to a bolt of a literal lightening strike and dangerous level of temperatures which reach anywhere from around 50°C (122°F) and can reach cold temperatures of up to -100°C (-148°F) .
They can survive being stabbed and shot multiple times and still keep functioning, they are durable enough that small caliber bullets barely penetrate, survive a point-blank grenade explosions or explosions big enough to destroy a building with minor injuries, and even take beatings from multiple low to mid-level supernatural individuals and survive.
- Peak Human Durability: User has conditioned durability at the peak of human limits. Users can resist being jumped by multiple assailants or hits by a ironwood bat, survive several stab/bullet wounds, and even survive against superhumans. Users can survive explosions equivalent to grenades or small explosions with severe injuries. They can fall from small buildings without breaking their bones. Bullets enter their body, but may be stopped from reaching vital areas by muscle density. Users can endure pain over 35 decibels to 50.
- Enhanced Durability: User's durability is beyond peak human limits, but not to superhuman levels. Bullets ricochet from them. Survive getting hit by most speeding vehicles, and small to moderate explosions (kilograms to tens of tons TNT equivalent). They can endure events that average humans are less likely to survive but are not impossible.
- Supernatural Durability: User's durability is superhuman, being in six main types.
- Type l: Users can resist being hit by trucks, buses, trains, and speeds over subsonic speeds, endure temperatures that can burn most metals, or freeze liquids in minutes, moderate to massive explosions (tens to hundreds of tons TNT equivalent), getting shot by ammunition.
- Type ll: Users can resist getting hit by objects moving at the speed of sound. Endure massive to atomic explosions (hundreds to kilotons TNT equivalent), getting shot by missiles, most temperatures not commonly created on Earth, less destructive natural disasters.
- Type lll: Users can resist being damaged by objects of supersonic speeds, atomic to hydrogen explosions worth of energy (kilotons to hundreds of megatons), endure natural disasters and created ones, and most dangerous forms of energy, tolerate armor penetration shots, and survive asteroid impacts.
- Type lV: Users are close to near-indestructible, able to endure being hit by objects at hypersonic speeds, resist enormous hydrogen explosions ever recorded and theorized to volcanic eruption worth of energy. Tolerate temperatures near kelvin and below negatives worth, endure some cosmological/energy events (solar storms, wide-scale asteroid fallout). Users can even survive a planetary collision.
- Type V: Users are virtually invulnerable to all who encounter them. They can endure being hit by projectiles near or at the speed of light, endure gigatons of energy and explosions that can destroy continents, planets, or planetary systems. Endure temperatures most inorganic materials won't survive and survive highly destructive universal events (supernovas, hypernovas, high particle collisions, and around black holes).
- Type Vl: Users are considered indestructible with few exceptions. Able to survive the elimination of a galaxy, universe, and the multiverse and entities near absolute level, rare cosmological events, and objects beyond the speed of light. Only physical entities/forces on a near-omnipotent can defeat and injure the user.
- Invulnerability: User cannot be damaged by any form of physical harm.
- Martial Artist
- High Resistance
- Indomitable Will
- Mortal Physiology
- Peak Human Body
- Superior Human Physiology
- Top-Heavy Body
- They will still be vulnerable to harm (e.g., explosions, gunshots, tasers, etc.)
- User will still feel immense pain (unless immune), though they can take it much better than the average human.
- This ability is not enhanced.
- Taking a strike from a being with Supernatural Strength can brutally injure the user but might not be enough to be fatal (depends on the user with Supernatural Strength and how much of their power they are putting into the blow).
- The user can be weakened further by users of Durability Negation.
- Their durability can be counteracted by other users of powers that can bypass durability (like Telepathy).
Known Users[]
See also: Made of Iron
- Revy (Black Lagoon)
- Rosarita "Roberta" Cisneros (Black Lagoon)
- Various Characters (Baki the Grappler)
- Baki Hanma
- Guts (Berserk)
- Casca (Berserk)
- Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
- Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball series)
- Mr. Satan (Dragon Ball series)
- Videl (Dragon Ball series)
- Masaru Daimon (Digimon Data Squad/Savers)
- Haruo Yaguchi (High Score Girl)
- Hayato Fūrinji (History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi)
- Bean Bandit (Riding Bean)
- Sango (InuYasha)
- Yu (The Boxer)
- Various Characters (Shaman King)
- Gintoki Sakata (Gintama)
- Jotaro Kujo (JoJo Bizzare Adventures)
- Various Characters (Jujutsu Kaisen)
- Yuji Itadori
- Megumi Fushiguro
- Various Characters (Kenganverse)
- Rihito
- Tokita Ohm
- Various Characters (Kingdom)
- Various Characters (One Piece)
- Usopp
- Nami
- Various Characters (Hajime No Ippo)
- Thorfinn (Vinland Saga)
- Kazuma Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Kamijou Touma (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
- Yor Forger/Thorn Princess (Spy x Family)
- Yuri Briar (Spy x Family)
- Various Characters (Archer)
- Fistrick (Ben 10)
- Various Characters (Castlevania)
- Trevor Belmont (Castlevania)
- Hunter Cain (Generator Rex)
- Various Characters (DC Comics)
- Bruce Wayne/Batman
- Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
- Tim Drake/Robin
- Various Characters (Marvel Comics)
- Isaiah Bradley
- Black Panther
- Brock Rumlow/Crossbones
- Felicia Hardy/Black Cat
- Michael van Patrick/MVP
- Moon Knight
- Natalia Romanova/Black Widow
- Steve Rogers/Captain America
- Vargas
- Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin
- Various Characters (G.I. Joe)
Video Games
- Black Skeletons (Crypt of the NecroDancer)
- Gray Shove Monsters (Crypt of the NecroDancer)
- Purple Mushrooms (Crypt of the NecroDancer)
- Human Sergeants (Hλlf-Life)
- Ivan the Space Biker (Hλlf-Life)
- Alien Grunts (Hλlf-Life series)
- Gordon Freeman (Hλlf-Life series)
- HECU Soldiers (Hλlf-Life series)
- Gina Cross (Hλlf-Life: Decay)
- Colette Green (Hλlf-Life: Decay)
- Adrian Shephard (Hλlf-Life: Opposing Force)
- Male Assassins (Hλlf-Life: Opposing Force)
- Overwatch Elites (Hλlf-Life 2 series)
- Zombines (Hλlf-Life 2 series)
- SPARTAN II, SPARTAN III's, and SPARTAN IV's (Halo series)
- Black Philips (New Blood Interactive's DUSK)
- Scientists (New Blood Interactive's DUSK)
- Spitters (Left 4 Dead 2)
- Big Boss (Metal Gear)
- Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
- Chris Redfield (Resident Evil series)
- Ethan Winters (Resident Evil series)
- Enforcers (Quake series)
- Ranger (Quake series)
- Scrags (Quake series)
- Spawns/Tarbabies (Quake series)
- Hell Spawns (Quake: Dissolution of Eternity)
- Phantom Swordsmen (Quake: Dissolution of Eternity)
- Statue Knights (Quake: Dissolution of Eternity)
- Gremlins (Quake: Scourge of Armagon)
- Demoman (Team Fortress Series)
- Heavy (Team Fortress series)
- Medic (Team Fortress series)
- Pyro (Team Fortress series)
- Scout (Team Fortress series)
- Sniper (Team Fortress series)
- Soldier (Team Fortress series)
- Spy (Team Fortress series)
- Lara Croft (Tomb Raider series)
- Nathan Drake (Uncharted series)
- Kiryu Kazuma (Yakuza)
- Conan (Conan The Cimmerian series)
- Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader (Star Wars)
- Triple Ace (The Young Guardians)
Live Television/Movies
- Phil Mitchell (Eastenders)
- Ash Williams (Evil Dead series)
- Axel Etcheverry (Los Unicos)
- Ciro Funes (Los Unicos)
- Din Djarin ("The Mandalorian")
- Padme Amidala (Star Wars franchise)
- Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
- Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
- Trish Walker/Hellcat (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Leatherface (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series)
- Michael Myers (Halloween series)
- Alan "Dutch" Schaefer (Predator Series)
- Rocky Balboa (Rocky)
- Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
- The Miner (My Bloody Valentine)
- Wayne McCullough Jr. (Wayne)
- Floyd Lawton/Deadshot (DC Extended Universe)
- Christopher Smith/Peacemaker (DC Extended Universe/DCU)
Web Animation/Series/Original
- SCP-001-A - S. D. Locke's Proposal - When Day Breaks (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-008 - Zombie Plague (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-029 - Daughter of Shadows (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-042-CZ - A Formerly Winged Horse (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-049 - Plague Doctor (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-149-DE - Führerbunker (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-160 - Predator Drone (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-247 - A Harmless Kitten (SCP Foundation)
- Old Hag/SCP-352 - Baba Yaga (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-372 - Peripheral Jumper (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-469 - Many-Winged Angel (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-610 - The Flesh that Hates (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-939 - With Many Voices (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1788 - The Adults (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2875-A - The Town That Got Fucked By Bears (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2946 - Overly Large E. Coli (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-4352 - Storytime (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-4486 - Happy Is Relative (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-5987 - Sirenhead (SCP Foundation)
- Adrian Andrews (SCP Foundation)
- Jeff the Killer (Creepypasta)
- Garen (Skylark)
- Agatha Knightsbane (Skylark)
- Katherine Hanks (Katherine)
- Lucy Biggs (Katherine)
Known Objects[]
- SCP-034 - Obsidian Ritual Knife (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-668 - 13" Chef's Knife (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3871 - Dr. Wondertainment's Allegorical Anomaly-Annihilating Assault Automaton (SCP Foundation)