Superpower Wiki

The ability to create armor around the user's body from minerals and other earthen materials. A sub power of Terrakinetic Constructs and Earth Manipulation . A variation of Elemental Exoskeleton.

Also Called

  • Earth Armor Generation
  • Geokinetic Armor Creation


The user is able to create armor around them from earthen materials, such as stone, crystal, soil, and mud. The armor's appearance can vary from person to person, but they often have a theme of defense and durability to them.


  • Dive through earth and move through the ground.
  • Walk through hazardous areas coated with invulnerable stone.
  • Create walls of earth for defenses or attack.

Known Users

  • Mukai (The King of Fighters)
  • Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
  • Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)