Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate Earthen-specific concepts. Variation of Concept Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Aristotelian/Platonic Concept Manipulation
  • Gaia/Midgard's Concept Manipulation
  • Human Concept Manipulation
  • Logos Manipulation (Platonic Philosophy)


The user can control concepts specific from Earthen culture, being "Earth" the normal planet as our world version, or a mythological counterpart, like Greek Mythology's Gaia or Norse Mythology's Midgard.

Said concepts are able to reshape all the planet Earth, or even better, if these same concepts are appliable to extraterrestrial domains, it's possible to control the reality arround the Earth. Most human concepts, like Buddhism or Stoicism, involve willpower, resilience and evil-fighting. And earthen concepts can define both urban and natural domains.



  • Conceptual Plane Manipulation (Platonic Concepts and World of Ideas): According to Plato, the concepts are usually abstractions which descent from the world of ideas to the world of man, causing them to be independent, and which their material manifestations only are shaped if so is the base form.
  • Tetralogy (Aristotelian Concepts): According to Aristotle, the concepts ascent from the world of man to the world of ideas, making them dependent forms of their material objects.
  • Rune Manipulation (Seiðr): According to the Norse Mythology, Odin hanged himself in the Yggdrasil Tree to reveal the runes, bringing them to the human world, using these symbols to connect humans and gods.



Known Users[]

Known Objects[]
