Superpower Wiki
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"
― Andrew Ryan (Bioshock)

The power to manipulate commerce, trade, profit, financial gain and ultimately, the entire economy. Advanced version of Monetary Manipulation.

Also Called

  • Capitalism/Commerce/Market/Merchant/Trade Manipulation
  • Oikonomíakinesis


User can create, shape and manipulate the economic system, the creation, destruction and transactions of any economical activities and currency, including the production, distribution/trade, consumption of goods/services of any kind by everyone around the world, which can be individuals, businesses, organizations, or governments.

Furthermore, they can define everything that related to economy, including resources, assets, labor, laws, contracts, ownership, markets, supply/demand, trade/commerce, producers/distributors/consumers, wealth/poverty, inflation, capital, invention, etc.



Known Users
