Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of Dragons. Variation of Dragon Physiology

Also Called

  • Elemental Draconic Mimicry
  • Elemental Dragon Mimicry
  • Elemental Dragonoid Physiology


User with this ability either is or can transform into an Elemental Dragon. Like the normal dragons, the elemental dragons can be divided into Asian, Western and Lesser dragon but they differ for their "Hybrid form", their normal form where they are made by both the element and normal flesh, and "Full form", a form where they are completely formed by the element (Elemental Mimicry).



  • In full form, they are more vulnerable against their opposite element respect when they are into hybrid form.
  • In full form, if is used an elemental absorption ability for consume them, the infinite resurrection don't work.
  • In hybrid form, their power are halved respect their full form.