- "There's only one thing better than owning a vault full of cold hard cash, and that's swimming in it! I love to dive around in it like a porpoise, and burrow through it like a gopher, and toss it up and let it hit me on the head."
- ― Scrooge McDuck (Ducktales)
The power to swim through the elements. Technique of Elemental Manipulation. Variation of Abnormal Movement and Supernatural Swimming. Not to be confused with Elemental Teleportation and Matter Surfing.
Also Called[]
- Element Swimming
User can swim through the elements/elemental forces as if it was water.
- Abnormal Movement
- Elemental Manipulation
- Elemental Intangibility
- Elemental Teleportation
- Liquid Movement
- Speed Swimming
- Supernatural Swimming
- Surface Manipulation
- Unrestricted Movement
- May be limited to certain elements only.
- Weak against Elemental Boundary.
Known Users[]
- Several Endless (Breath of Fire IV)
- Ch'o Ryong
- Ni Ryong
- Sa Ryong
- Su Ryong
- Toi Ryong
- Levia (Muromi-San)
- Hiiyo Ikusaba (Nanana's Buried Treasure)
- Kanaan (Sanctuary)
- Cherufe (The Secret Saturdays)
- Erssime (Space Dandy)
- Scrooge McDuck (Disney)
- Dung Defender (Hollow Knight)
- White Defender (Hollow Knight)
- Senor Pink (One Piece)
- S-Shark (One Piece)
- Diablos (Monster Hunter)
- Melusine (Ravenswatch)
Known Objects[]
- Sui Sui no Mi (One Piece)
Levia-san (Muromi-San) is able to swim through not only water but also earth, snow and lava as if they were liquid.