The power to be independent from energy.
Also Called[]
- Energy-Free System
The user has an independence from energy, having no need to eat, drink, sleep, ATP, Mitchondrion (and by extension the lack of need for calories or other units of energy). They do not fatigue or get tired. Those users that have powers can use them continuously/repeatedly without a need to recharge or refill their energy.
- Energy Manipulation
- Fatigue Manipulation
- Health Manipulation
- Immortality
- Infinite Energy
- Life-Force Manipulation
- Power Source
- Replenishment
- May not be able to use energy powers properly.
- May still be weak against Enervation Inducement.
Known Users[]
- Ectonures (Ben 10 Series)
- Jones/Wandering Eye (Gunnerkrigg Court)
- Dragoons (Hitsugi no Chaika)
- Adam Destine (Marvel Comics)
- Children of the Sun (Marvel Comics)
Known Objects[]
- Caina (Shakugan no Shana)