The power to possess an enhanced bodily structure. Variation of Enhanced Condition.
Also Called[]
- Advanced/Augmented/Heightened/Increased/Inhuman Structure
- Enhanced Build/Composition/Constitution
- Near/Nigh/Semi-Supernatural Structure
The user's body is composed of elements, properties or materials that are stronger, better, harder and more effective than what usually makes up the body (ex: super bone/flesh similar to iron or steel, a fluid better than blood, something with a high strength-to-weight ratio and so on). This may affect the mind and brain as well.
- Enhanced Body
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhanced Muscle Usage - Due to tougher muscle fibers.
- Enhanced Body Part Velocity - Possible
- Enhanced Muscle Usage - Due to tougher muscle fibers.
- Enhanced Endurance
- Enhanced Flexibility
- Enhanced Immune System
- Efficient Body - Possible
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhanced Brain Capacity/Mind - Possible
- Proportional Physicality - In terms of level and limited to purely physical attributes.
- Bodily Aspect Enhancement
- Evolution
- Physical Augmentation
- Radioactive Serum Empowerment
- Supernatural Cells
- May still be destructible or have common body flaws.
Known Users[]
- Bullfrag (Ben 10)
- Kryptonians (DC Comics); via yellow sun radiation
- Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman
- Kara Zor-El/Supergirl
- Jonathan Kent/Superboy
- Kara Zor-L/Power Girl
- Dru-Zod
- Daxamites (DC Comics); via yellow sun radiation
- Lar Gand/Mon-El
- Slade Wilson/Deathstroke (DC Comics)
- Isaiah Bradley, the First Black Captain America (Marvel Comics)
- Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel Comics)
- Josiah al hajj Saddiq/Justice (Marvel Comics)
- Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Marvel Comics)
- James "Bucky" Barnes/Winter Soldier (Marvel Comics)
- He-Man (Masters of the Universe)
- Houtua (Godzilla Anime Trilogy)
Known Objects[]
- Super-Soldier Serum (Marvel Comics)
- Mirakuru (Arrowverse)
Bullfrag (Ben 10) is more muscular and developed than other Incurseans because most members of the species have very poor diets. Bullfrag is an example of an optimal Incursean.