Superpower Wiki

The power to heal at a drastically increased rate. Sub-power of Enhanced Condition.


The user can close the wounds on their body and grow back any lost limbs within extremely short periods of time. Their internal organs are completely regenerated and they can regenerate critically and fatally damaged cells, thus preventing scars.

They are nearly completely unaffected by toxin or drugs and their cellular senescence is drastically reduced, if not completely halted, granting them decelerated aging/eternal youth.

Also, their healing strength may be so powerful that their blood could be enriched with healing powers that can be used to heal others.



  • Tumorous cells may actually be multiplied via regeneration as they are considered living cells.
  • User can regenerate as long as the head/brain is damaged to no more than a certain level. Destruction of the head is one of the few sure methods to ensure the user of this level's death.

Known Users

  • Ulquiorra Cifer (Bleach)