Superpower Wiki

The power to heal at a drastically increased rate. Sub-power of Enhanced Condition.

Also Called

  • Enhanced Healing Factor


The user can close minor to moderate wounds near-instantaneously, appearing as though they never happened. Lost limbs and internal organs will be completely regenerated, damaged nerves can be healed to a certain extent and critically and fatally damaged cells can regenerate, preventing scars.

They are near-completely unaffected by toxin or drugs and their cellular senescence is drastically reduced, if not completely halted, granting them decelerated aging/eternal youth.

User can regenerate as long as the head/brain is damaged to no more than a certain level, leaving destruction of the head as one of the few sure methods to ensure their death. Their healing strength may be so powerful that their blood could be enriched with healing powers that can be used to heal others.




  • This level shares the same limitations that the other levels have.
    • Damage cannot be reversed by those with Irreversible Destruction.
    • Opponents of Anti-Regeneration can affect the user's healing factor into the state of reversing whatever injuries were inflicted.
    • Those that have Healing Erasure can erase the person's level of regeneration.
    • Enemies that have Healing Factor Nullification can block the user's healing factor either temporarily, permanently depending on how much the ability is mastered.
    • Instant death can kill the user before they can regenerate.
      • Death Inducement
      • People with Destabilization can not only cause the user's healing factor to cease being stable, but this can also cause the user's body to become unstable to the point of getting killed.
      • Users of regular to Absolute Destruction can obliterate the user in order to instantly kill the user.
      • Those that own Disintegration or Dissolution can obviously crumble the user's body to dust or into absolute nothingness.
      • Individuals that possess Incineration, can incinerate the user to the point of disintegrating the individual to ashes.
      • Subjects with One Hit Kill can instantly kill the user before their level of regeneration takes affect.
    • Even though their level of regeneration is rather high in only peak human standards, unless if the user possesses Head Liberation as well, destruction of the head or even the brain can kill the user.
    • The user might not possess the ability to suppress pain automatically, even though its not guaranteed that the user's regeneration doesn't result in the user getting this as a subpower.
    • Users of Biological Manipulation can render the user helpless.
    • Unlike the more higher forms of healing factors, all kinds of radiation can cause radiation sickness in the user, and according the how the disease works, it will affect the user on a cellular level and destroy the user's healing factor from within, making users of all forms of radiation abilities effective.

Known Users

