Superpower Wiki

The power to be perfect in terms of environment. Variation of Perfection.

Also Called[]

  • Nature/Natural Perfection
  • Pinnacle of Natural Ascendance


User is environmentally perfect beings in every respect, the pinnacle example of the environment, environmental factors and the natural world and its countless forces. Making them totally flawless environmental beings, which grants them any/all levels (transcendent, ultimate, omni, absolute etc) of environmental/natural powers and powers connected or associated with nature/natural world or any aspect of an environment (natural, mystical, conceptual) to their maximum capacity and potential.

If users are one with that environment, they become perfect in other areas of themselves (genetically, existentially etc)




Known Users[]

  • Scion of Mana (Children of Mana)
  • The Nox (Stargate SG-1)
  • The Pahvans (Star Trek: Discovery)