The power to use the abilities of an esoteric dragon. Variation of Esoteric Entity Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Extraordinary Dragon Physiology
- Rare/Special Dragon Physiology
- Supernatural Dragon Physiology
User with this ability either is or can transform into an esoteric dragon, draconic beings and their sub-species that unique versions of their kind that not only has their qualities, but special powers and unique qualities, traits, abilities and physiology that are uncommon to their race/species, setting them apart from the rest of their kind. Possessing various forms of paranormal traits and qualities that grant them incredible abilities and appearances based supernatural source/origin. having unique or common nature with pure forms of esoteric force with ability to manipulate all forms of esoteric energy and their own having esoteric powers, abilities and specific physiology that’s bound to both their esoteric and nature. This can be derived from a variety of forces be it magical, scientific, divine, spiritual, etc.
Unlike most dragon Physiologies, the user isn't specifically one type of dragon and/or isn't limited to just one type.
Applications (General)[]
- Dragon Physiology
- Esoteric Physiology
- Various Dragon Powers
- Various Esoteric Powers
Applications (Detail)[]
- Dragon Power
- Dragon Force Manipulation
- Esoteric Force Manipulation
- Esoteric Power
- Power Summoning
- Personal Force
- Personal Magic
- Supernatural Force Manipulation
- Supernatural Manipulation
- Inimitable Power
- Alien Dragon Physiology
- Alpha Dragon Physiology
- Dimensional Dragon
- Force Dragon Physiology
- Feather Dragon Physiology
- Future Dragon
- Gestalt Dragon Physiology
- Superior Dragon Physiology
- Draconic Immunity
- Dragons who specialize in absorbing vast amounts of esoteric energy can threaten a user and render them powerless.
- Supernatural Immunity
- Shapeshifting Negation
- Users are susceptible to objects/people that cancel out and destroy esoteric power.
Known Users[]
- Powerful Dragon-Type Bakugans (Bakugan Series)
- Dimension Dragon (Buddyfight)
- Bahamut Fury (Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion)
- Barbatos (DC Comics)
- Examon (Digimon)
- Examon x
- Dracomon (Digimon)
- Dracomon x
- Gala Mars (Dragalia Lost)
- Super Shenron (Dragon Ball Super)
- Zalama (Dragon Ball Super)
- Orzachron - Organica War Machine MK (EverTale)
- Acnologia (Fairy Tail)
- Bahamut (Final Fantasy XIII)
- Various Dragons (Fire Emblem Series)
- Corrin
- Neodragons (Future Card Buddyfight)
- Various Dragon-Types (Pokémon)
- Cynder (Spyro the Dragon)
- Spyro (Spyro the Dragon)
- Number 5: Doom Chimera Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh!)