Superpower Wiki
"Contradiction is the lever of Transcendence."
― Simone Weil
" It will, for a time. We may have forgotten so much about being human, but something we will never lose is our ability to change. Eventually, we will learn to keep up. One sunny day, we'll open our eyes and see nothing but creation below us, and nothing above us but ourselves, spinning out wildly into the great above."
― SCP-3812 (SCP Foundation)

The power to be in a endless state of transcendence. Not to be confused with Eternal Evolution. Variation of Meta Transcendence.

Also Called

  • Endless Ascension
  • Everlasting Transcendence
  • Infinite/All Powerful/Almighty Transcendence
  • Omnipotential Transcendency


Users is in a state of constant and endless Transcendence. Transcending ones unique state of being; existence, nature, capability, abilities, etc, to the infinity with no limit or restriction to their potential while keeping the state of their individual nature maintained. Users don't just transcend themselves continuously but also transcend the things like concepts and the various levels of reality endlessly, essentially turning them into the supreme being of the transcended concept and/or the level of reality, all the while keeping their individuality maintained.

If the user transcends all reality levels and literally everything in their respective verse then the user will continue to transcend themselves forever.





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