The power to utilize practices that are based in evolving oneself and/or others. Variation of Supernatural Arts.
Also Called[]
- Evolutionary Techniques
- Evolution Arts/Techniques
The user can utilize the Evolutionary Arts, a system of techniques focused around evolving oneself and/or others. They can advance or decrease evolutionary steps, shift their adaptations/abilities to create new species, etc.
- All Evolution Powers
- Evolution Manipulation
- Evolution Weaponry
- Reactive Adaptation/Superior Adaptation
- Supernatural Condition
- Training Regimen
- Transformation Arts - evolution often involves physical transformations
- Devolution/Knowledge Absorption/Knowledge Erasure
- Lack of proper knowledge could lead to power loss or dangerous effects.
- May be unintentionally overwhelmed and/or possessed thanks to techniques.
- May be limited to types of techniques (combat, healing, enhancement, etc.).
Known Users[]
- Various Digimon (Digimon)
- Spiral Power users (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)