The power to augment explosions/explosives. Technique of Explosion Manipulation. Opposite of Explosion Reduction. Variation of Augmentation.
Also Called[]
- Explosion Amplification/Amplifying/Boosting/Enhancing/Enhancement/Increase/Strengthening/Supercharging
- Explosive Amplification/Amplifying/Augmentation/Boosting/Enhancing/Enhancement/Increase/Strengthening/Supercharging
User has the power to increase the amounts of explosions or explosive-related powers.
- Weak against Explosive Negation.
- Users of Explosion Immunity are immune.
Known Users[]
- Beldar Conehead (Coneheads)
- Asuka Ninjas (Shinobido series); via Alchemy
- Cradle (Ward)
Known Objects[]
- SCP-2948 - Repeating Bomb (SCP Foundation)
- Naquadria (Stargate Sg-1)
- House of Commons Masonry (Warehouse 13)