Power to generate and project spheres of explosive force. Sub-power of Explosive Attacks. Variation of Ball Projection.
Also Called[]
- Denotative Ball/Orb/Sphere Emission/Projection
- Explosive Ball Projection
- Explosive Orb/Sphere Emission/Projection
Users are able to create balls with discharging effect that they can use to launch, as part of a melee attack, or as a way of transportation.
- May take time to create.
- May need to absorb or borrow resources from sources.
- May not be able to generate the explosives on their own.
Known Users[]
- Bambietta (Bleach)
- Vicus' Collective Members (Charmed)
- Zofis (Konjiki no Gash Bell!/Zatch Bell!)
- Lassoo (One Piece)
- Choze (One-Punch Man); after Monsterization
- Homeless Emperor (One-Punch Man)
- Overgrown Rover (One-Punch Man)
- Vaccine Man (One-Punch Man)
- Guila (The Seven Deadly Sins)
- Users of Dark Blast (Shadow Fight)