- "A man who holds the current record for least amount of faces, with none!"
- "Help Me!"
- ― Announcer and Faceless Man (The Simpsons)
The power to erase one's own or other's facial features. Sub-power of Flesh Masking. Variation on Characteristic Removal.
Also Called[]
- Face Removing
- Facial Erasure
- Removable Face
The user can erase one's own or other's facial features, removing eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth and leaving a blank slate of skin behind. As strange side effect, even though both the nose and mouth of the victim is removed they are still able breath without a problem.
- May require physical contact with the victim.
- May require eye contact with the victim.
- May be reversible, if the user has been incapacitated.
- Users of Malleable Anatomy can undo effect.
Known Users[]
- Koh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
- Ahuizotl (Secret Saturdays)
- Doppelgänger (Martin Mystery)
- Mud Monster (The Brothers Grimm)
- The Kraken (Pirates of the Carribean)
- The Wire (Doctor who)
- Loretta (Superboy)
- Face Stealer (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
- Orochimaru (Naruto); via the Vanishing Facial Copy Technique
- Jumbelina (Yo-kai Watch)
- Menkueater (Yo-kai Watch Shadowside)
- Doraemon (Doraemon); via the Defacer
- Nopper-bō (Japanese Folklores)
Video Games
- Dark Lord (Miitopia)
- Darker Lord (Miitopia)
- Hole Punch (Paper Mario: The Origami King)