Superpower Wiki
"A man who holds the current record for least amount of faces, with none!"
"Help Me!"
― Announcer and Faceless Man (The Simpsons)
"The spirit's name is Koh, but he is very dangerous. They call him the Face Stealer. When you speak with him, you must be very careful to show no emotion at all. Not the slightest expression, or he will steal your face."
― Avatar Roku describing Koh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

The power to erase one's own or other's facial features. Sub-power of Flesh Masking. Variation on Characteristic Removal.

Also Called[]

  • Face Removing
  • Facial Erasure
  • Removable Face


The user can erase one's own or other's facial features, removing eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth and leaving a blank slate of skin behind. As strange side effect, even though both the nose and mouth of the victim is removed they are still able breath without a problem. 




  • May require physical contact with the victim.
  • May require eye contact with the victim.
  • May be reversible, if the user has been incapacitated.
  • Users of Malleable Anatomy can undo effect.

Known Users[]


  • Koh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
  • Ahuizotl (Secret Saturdays)
  • Doppelgänger (Martin Mystery)


  • Mud Monster (The Brothers Grimm)
  • The Kraken (Pirates of the Carribean)
  • The Wire (Doctor who)
  • Loretta (Superboy)
  • Face Stealer (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)


  • Orochimaru (Naruto); via the Vanishing Facial Copy Technique
  • Jumbelina (Yo-kai Watch)
  • Menkueater (Yo-kai Watch Shadowside)
  • Doraemon (Doraemon); via the Defacer


  • Nopper-bō (Japanese Folklores)

Video Games

  • Dark Lord (Miitopia)
  • Darker Lord (Miitopia)
  • Hole Punch (Paper Mario: The Origami King)