Superpower Wiki

The power to alter reality according to one's beliefs. A variation of Reality Warping and a sub-power of Logic Manipulation.

Also Called

  • Belief-Dependent Reality Warping
  • Faithifery


The user can warp the fabric of reality according to their beliefs. If they believed they were super strong and/or super fast, they would become so. If they firmly believed in fairytales and mythic creatures, the tales and creatures would come to life, as well as mimicking them if they believe that they can do what the creature can do. Essentially, the user can become able to achieve nearly anything if they believe it. 

Applications (General)

Applications (Detail)


  • Lack of belief can undo the user's alteration
  • May be uncontrollable

Known Users

  • Jesse Turner (Supernatural)
  • SCP-239 (SCP Foundation)