Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate all the fundamental forces on an absolute/quantum level. Form/Expression of Nigh-Omnipotence/Omnipotence. Variation of Physical Godhood, Almighty Science, and Omni-Physics Manipulation. The perfect version of Fundamental Forces Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Omni-Dynamokinesis
  • Almighty/Absolute/Complete/Divine-Like/Interaction/Meta/Omni/Perfect/Perfect/Quantum/Ultimate Fundamental Forces Alteration/Bending/Control/Lordship/Manipulation/Warping
  • Absolute/Quantum Fundamental/Unified Field Manipulation
  • Fundamental Warping
  • The Theory of Everything
  • Super Force Manipulation


The user has absolute control over the four fundamental forces of the universe: Strong Force, Weak Force, Electromagnetism and Gravity, at both macro and quantum levels. They can manipulate electromagnetism to control all electromagnetic interactions, even at the quantum level. Their mastery of gravity allows them to influence anything in the universe or multiverse, including physical and metaphysical locations (like higher dimensions, dreams, or afterlife realms) and beings like ghosts or deities.

The user can also control nuclear reactions, including fission, fusion, radioactive decay, and transmutation. This extends to managing nuclear radiation, triggering nuclear explosions, and manipulating energy on a scale far greater than chemical reactions. They can harness nuclear fusion to generate vast energy or produce stable elements and can manipulate nuclear reactions in stars or other astronomical objects.

Ultimately, the user’s command over the fundamental forces may enable abilities like reality warping, cosmic manipulation, and the transmutation of matter. They can potentially manipulate space-time through gravitational distortions, reach cosmic or divine-like powers, and achieve effects such as Almighty Science by warping the forces at an absolute level.

Universal Difference[]

In quantum physics, "fundamental forces" refer to the basic interactions that govern how particles behave at the subatomic level, essentially acting like invisible "glue" that holds everything together; these forces are explained as particles exchanging tiny carrier particles called bosons, with the most well-known being the electromagnetic force (carried by photons), the strong nuclear force (carried by gluons), and the weak nuclear force (carried by W and Z bosons); gravity is also considered a fundamental force, but its quantum explanation is still being developed and would involve a theoretical particle called a graviton.

Applications (General)[]

Applications (Detailed)[]

Basic level[]

Advanced Level[]

Ultimate Level[]

Absolute Level[]



Known Users[]

  • Dr Manhattan (DC Comics/Watchman)
  • Ion (DC Comics)
  • Galactus (Marvel Comics)
  • Owen Reece/Molecule Man (Marvel Comics); After Absorbing the Beyonder Race’s Powers
  • Protege (Marvel Comics)
  • Progenitors (Marvel Comics)
  • Thanos (Marvel Comics); via Astral Regulator

Known Objects/Powers[]

  • The Miracle Machine (DC Comics)
  • The Seven Forces of the Universe (DC Comics)
    • Collective Energy-Positive
    • Crisis Energy-Negative
  • Engima Force (Marvel Comics)
  • Celestial Power (Marvel Comics)
  • Astral Regulator (Marvel Comics)

