Superpower Wiki

The power to release/use energy associated with hunger and eating to various attacks. Sup-power of Fanon:Consumptive Energy Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Consuming Attacks
  • Consumption Attacks
  • Digestive Attacks
  • Devouring Attacks
  • Gluttony Attacks
  • Hungry Attacks
  • Ingestive Attacks
  • Órexi-Ergokinetic Attacks


The user can release/use energy associated with hunger, appetites, eating/drinking, taste and a desire for food to various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

Depending on the user, these attacks can become more powerful the hungrier the user is or if they have eaten something before projecting these attacks, using the energy from whatever they’ve eaten to empower said attacks.

In some cases, these attacks are capable of consuming matter and energy, being pure, concentrated gluttony and hunger.




  • Users may require outside source of consumptive energy to create attacks.
  • Users may not be immune to effects of own attacks.
  • Firing may be involuntary reaction, or released in constant stream.
  • Users will be exhausted when too much energy is used.
  • Users may be over-charged/wounded if too much energy is used at once.
  • Users need control to avoid unnecessary destruction.

Known Users[]

  • Gourmands (Ben 10 series)
  • Liltotto Lamperd (Bleach)
  • Who’s-Who (One Piece)
  • Appetite Energy Users (Toriko)