The ability to have equalized bodily axes. Sub-Power of Axis Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Equalized Bodily Axes
The user has equal bodily axes of rotation, meaning they can rotate with equal, easy difficulty on all three rotational axes, just like as if they were a sphere. So a cartwheel or a flip would both just be as easy as spinning/twisting.
- Enhanced Agility/Supernatural Agility
- Enhanced Athleticism/Supernatural Athleticism
- Enhanced Dexterity/Supernatural Dexterity
- Enhanced Reflexes/Supernatural Reflexes
- Enhanced Revolution/Enhanced Rotation
- Accelerated Rotation
- Angle Manipulation
- Angular Momentum Defiance
- Axis Defiance
- Axis Manipulation
- Gymnastics Mastery
- Physical Force Manipulation
- Rotational Mass Defiance
- Rotational Mass Infringement
- Rotational Mass Manipulation
- Rotational Mass Negation
- Torque Manipulation
- Self-Axis Manipulation
- Unrestricted Movement
- Can still be affected by physical forces.
- Does not change speed of rotation.